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Water Resources

Englesby Flow Restoration Plan

Englesby Brook is on the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) list of impaired waterbodies.

The primary reason for impairment is listed as uncontrolled volume of stormwater runoff due to the high percentage of impervious surface.  The watershed impervious is approximately 27%, however there are much higher percentages of effective impervious draining directly to the collection system. The watershed has a broad mixes of uses, including commercial, residential, institutional and industrial land-uses, and also has a large amount of effective impervious associated with the municipal road network.  The ANR released a TMDL for the Englesby Brook watershed that was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2007.

 The TMDL set targets for flow modification in the stream.  The low flow target requires an 11.2% increase in stream flows during low flow conditions.  The high flow target requires a 34.4% (including a 20 acre impervious future growth allocation) reduction in flows during the 1 year storm event.

ANR released the latest version of the MS4 permit in 2012.  The permit requires MS4 regulated entities to prepare a FRP for the stormwater impaired watersheds located within their MS4 jurisdiction.  The FRP must detail how the watershed can achieve the flow targets prescribed in the TMDL for that watershed.

The City of Burlington is taking the lead in developing the Flow Restoration Plan and recently awarded the contract to Stone Environmental (with their partners Horsley Witten and Stantec)

Project Documents:

Request for Proposal for Englesby Flow Restoration Plan Development