Centennial Brook is on the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) list of impaired waterbodies.
The ANR released a TMDL for the Centennial Brook watershed that was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2007. The TMDL set targets for flow modification in the stream. The low flow target requires a 23.2% increase in stream flows during low flow conditions. The high flow target requires a 63.4% reduction in flows during the 1 year storm event.
The City's MS4 permit requires that we identify a suite of Best Management Practices (BMPs) capable of attaining the flow targets identified in the TMDL. By December 2016, the City must submit the flow restoration plan, including a schedule for implementation, to the ANR for approval. Per our permit, the plan must be implemented within 20 years (by 2032).
In 2012-2013, Burlington joined with other MS4 partners South Burlington, UVM, and VTRANS to pursue the identification of the BMPs and evaluate the reponsibility of each MS4 entity.
Project Documents:
Request for Proposals (Closed) for Centennial Brook Flow Restoration Plan Development
Centennial Brook Flow Restoration Plan: Best Management Practice Identification