20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

We NEED Crossing Guards. Apply today!

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Department of Public Works

North Avenue Corridor


North Avenue is the fundamental route for residents of the New North End traveling into Burlington and destinations south or east. It accommodates cars, trucks, buses, pedestrians and bicyclists, while providing access to homes, parks, schools and shopping centers for residents and visitors of all ages.

Parts of this corridor were constructed in the early 1900's, while others were constructed mid-century. As the eras changed, North Avenue transitioned from a typical two-lane, narrow urban street with on-street parking to a wide, two- to four-lane street serving neighborhood commercial centers. This transition is also marked by the changing pattern of development, which is continuing to evolve as the city's population and demographics also evolve.

Visit the UVM Historic Burlington Project for a snapshot of North Avenue, past and present.

In 2016 the city will test restriping and intersection changes along North Avenue between Washington Street and Plattsburg Avenue. Information related to the project has been developed with the North Avenue Task Force and will be continually updated:

Upcoming Meetings: 

20160607_meetingposter.jpegWith the understanding that area Councilors will be advancing a Resolution to disband the Task Force at the May 16,2016 City Council meeting, future North Avenue Task Force meetings have been cancelled.  

The Task Force was intended to provide a forum for the community to be directly involved in the Pilot Project with the City. However, the process placed an unreasonable burden on Task Force members as community volunteers. For their commitment to the process and their community, the Department of Public Works commends the Task Force members for their s. 

While the Task Force meetings won't continue, DPW remains committed to sincere community engagement throughout this project and invites the community to attend a public meeting at 6:30 pm on June 7, 2016 at the Miller Center at 130 Gosse Court.






The North Avenue Task Force was created by City Council resolution to work with the Department of Public Works for implementation of the North Avenue Corridor Study recommendations and to present designs, findings, and recommendations to the Transportation, Energy, and Utiltiies Committee and the Public Works Commission. 

Task Force Co-Chairs:
Paul Sisson 

Task Force members (appointed per City Council resolution):

Organization Appointees Alternate
School District Marty Spaulding  
Police Department Lt. Paul Glynn  
Fire Department Barry Simays  
CCTA David Armstrong Alain Hirsch
Ward 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly Andrea Todd Ben Bloom
Ward 3 Council recommendation Justine Sears  
Ward 4 Neighborhood Planning Assembly Rich Nadworny Pat Kearney
Ward 4 Council recommendation Paul Sisson  
Ward 7 Neighborhood Planning Assembly RJ LaLumiere  
Ward 7 Council recommendation Jason L'Ecuyer  
Planning & Zoning Department Meagan Tuttle David White
Community & Economic Development Office Kirsten Merriman Shapiro  


Task Force Meeting Materials:

March 30, 2015 Meeting #1 Agenda and Meeting Notes
Packet: Task Force Operating Guidelines

May 19, 2015 Meeting #2 Agenda and Meeting Notes 
Packet: Pilot Project Metrics draft and CCRPC data collection update

June 15, 2015 Meeting #3 Agenda and Meeting Notes 

July 14, 2015 Meeting #4 Agenda and Meeting Notes

August 11, 2015 Meeting #5 Agenda and Meeting Notes

September 15, 2015 - Miller Center Agenda and Meeting Notes

October 13, 2015 - Miller Center Agenda and Meeting Notes

November 10, 2015 - Miller Center - Agenda and Meeting Notes

December 8, 2015 - BPD Community Room - Agenda and Packet (Public Input draft) + Meeting Notes

January 12, 2016 - Miller Center - Agenda and Packet (Recommendations for Measuring Public Input from the New North End) and Meeting Notes

February 9, 2016 - Miller Center, meeting Agenda and Meeting Notes
Packet: Survey Questions MemoCity Attorney's MemoTask Force Talking Points

March 8, 2016 - BPD Community Room
Agenda and Meeting Notes
Handout #1: developing "eject button" metrics and metrics to measure success/failure
Handout #2: infographic of metrics

April 12, 2016 - Miller Center
Task Force Roles & Responsibilities - draft
Metrics - draft
Metrics infographic - draft
Measuring Public Input - draft
Draft plans (this is a very large file, formatted for online viewing)
Watch the recorded meeting on CCTV 
Minutes - draft


The 2011 Burlington Transportation Plan classified the North Avenue corridor as a Complete Street, which must carry all modes of transportation and accommodate all modes equally. While the existing North Avenue corridor generally accommodates the automobile first, it is not a very friendly corridor for any mode -- even the automobile.

The North Avenue Corridor Study evaluated the transportation conditions between North Street and Plattsburg Avenue from a holistic, Complete Streets perspective. The recommended actions aim to remake the corridor to better accommodate all users. The Corridor Plan was endorsed by the City Council in October 2013. A North Avenue Task Force has been created to work with the City to implement the recommedations within the Corridor Plan. 

For more information on the corridor study, including meeting minutes, presentations, and reports please visit the CCRPC's project website.