Operation Clean Sweep Runs April 24 - May 2. Cars must be off-street on your night of sweeping.

Visit Clean Sweep for more details.

Department of Public Works

Reinvesting in Burlington


2023 will be an important year in upgrading Burlington infrastructure. DPW has just completed a historic multi-year campaign of investments into our neighborhood infrastructure.

  • tripled sidewalk rebuilding by averaging approximately 3 miles of sidewalk replaced per year
  • paved 20% of the entire City since 2017
  • repaired or replaced water main infrastructure proactively for the first time in recent memory
  • undertaken a sewer and stormline repair project that will account for miles of repairs to our system. Visit Clean Water Resiliency Plan to learn more about the work that has been completed and planned to upgrade our stormwater and wastewater infrastruture.

All of these projects will continue this year, along with important major capital projects like the Champlain Parkway, the likely start of the Main St Great Streets project and more. There are headwinds which the Department will strategically and creatively manage through. The original capital infusion from the passage of the dual 2016 capital bonds has mostly been utilized. A smaller, more recent bond was passed to infuse additional dollars into our neighborhood infrastructure. There are inflationary pressures which may limit the overall average. However, the Department continues to seek coordination, creativity and to leverage additional federal or state dollars to maximize our investment into the City.



Construction Portal

Clean Water Resiliency Plan




Robert Goulding
    Public Information Manager
    RGoulding@burlingtonvt.gov, 802-881-2278