20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

We NEED Crossing Guards. Apply today!

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Water Resources

Stormwater Outfall Projects for 2023

Stormwater outfalls represent a substantial portion of the infrastructure associated with Burlington's stormwater collection system.  These outfalls were installed throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, in many cases using materials like corrugated metal.  Increased storm flows from expanding impervious surfaces, coupled with environmental exposure and winter salt impacts have caused many of these pipes and outfall areas to deteriorate over time.  Because these outfalls were often installed in locations that were not suitable for development (i.e. at the bottom of steep banks and ravines) - they can be challenging and very costly to repair.

The City has been working on a coordinated effort to assess, prioritize, and systematically repair the deteriorating outfalls throughout Burlington.  

Click the tiles below to learn more about the outfall efforts the City is currently working on.  

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