DPW will be closed on Labor Day (9/2). City parking is FREE. Recycling will NOT be collected.

For recycling options, and ways to reach us while we're away visit burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/after-hours

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Water Resources

Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)

The City's Integrated Water Quality Plan incorporates the City's strategies to meet several regulatory obligations - including the State of Vermont's 2016 CSO Rule.
This Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) was developed to meet the requirements of the 2016 CSO Rule, and more specifically the requirements set forther in the final §1272 Order that was issued to Burlington in 2019.

The LTCP specifically includes:

  • Alternatives analysis that evaluates the costs and performance of multiple CSO control alternatives
  • Detailed list of the selected CSO control projects necessary to bring the CSOs into compliance with the VT Water Quality Standards (VWQS) and a timeline for implementation
  • Documentation that Burlington Main WWTP's wet weather treatment system meets the combined discharge points permit limits, the VWQS, or the dry-weather permit limit with 80:1 dilution for total suspended solids, total residual oxidant, E.coli, biological oxygen demand, pH, and settleable solids
  • Documentation of the historical pounds of total phosphorous discharged from the combined outfall at Main WWTP
  • Strategy to prevent new sources of stormwater and wastewater to the combined sewer system increasing the volume, frequency, or duration of CSO events through implementation of control measures
  • Measures to address and prevent any documented, recurrent instances of sewage backup or discharges of raw sewage onto the ground surface
  • Financing plan to design and implement the CSO control projects identified pursuant to Subsection (11)(2) of the 2019 §1272 Order, and
  • Proposed schedule to bring Burlington's CSOs into compliance with the VWQS.