20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

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Department of Public Works

Lakeview Terrace Greenway


What is the Lakeview Terrace Neighborhood Greenway?

The Lakeview Terrace Neighborhood Greenway is an alternative to bicycling along sections of North Avenue. It connects the bike lane on North Avenue to the Burlington Greenway via Depot Street at its southern end.


The Lakeview Terrace Neighborhood Greenway was originally proposed to include quick build materials traffic calming. After discussions with the neighborhood, those elements were removed but could be revisited after future traffic assessments. The basic elements were installed in 2020, including wayfinding signs and painted markings to guide people along the route.



At any point during the project, you can share your feedback, comments, concerns or questions by emailing dpwplanning@burlingtonvt.gov or calling 802-863-9094 x3.



Images of pop-up curb extension at Berry St and North Ave and pop-up traffic circle at Haswell Street and Lakeview Terrace.



On September 28th, 2017, the DPW team introduced the Lakeview Terrace Neighborhood Greenway and received very helpful feedback. Based on the feedback from the pop-up meeting and follow-up emails:

  • If curb extensions are used at Berry / North Ave and at Haswell / North Ave they will be reduced in size to make access easier.
    • Conversations will continue with Scout & Co. to understand if any elements other than landscaped planters are desired in the curb extension at the corner of Berry Street.
  • Lakeview Terrace will not immediately be considered for closure. It is important to have a resilient street network to alleviate congestion and prevent unsafe turning movements, and street closure is generally reserved for complex or skewed intersections.
    • Traffic from nearby developments will not be encouraged to use Lakeview Terrace. The traffic calming elements at the entrances to Lakeview Terrace (curb extensions at North Avenue intersections and a traffic circle at Haswell Street) will provide a physical and visual reminder for drivers to use other roadways to pass through, and to maintain slow speeds if driving through the neighborhood.
    • Traffic data will be collected 1-year after installation of the Neighborhood Greenway traffic calming and will try to be timed with occupancy of the new development at the southern end of Lakeview Terrace. Traffic impacts from the redevelopment are expected to be very minimal, but this data collection will provide substantive information to inform any reconsideration of the need to close Lakeview Terrace.


If you were unable to attend the pop-up, here are links to the flyer and proposed plans (below)  that we shared at the event: