Great Streets BTV - Downtown Street Design & Construction Standards
A Great Street is built to endure many decades and reflect Burlington’s values—
values which have been articulated in community plans such as planBTV Downtown
& Waterfront, Burlington Transportation Plan, planBTV Walk/Bike and many others.
According to these plans, a Great Street is truly transformative, and is:
• WALKABLE AND BIKEABLE, safe for all modes and levels of accessibility
• SUSTAINABLE, both environmentally and in long-term durability
• VIBRANT, to support downtown’s diverse range of public and private facilities
• FUNCTIONAL, serving all users, flexible, maintainable and affordable
The Great Street BTV - Downtown Design & Construction Standards were adopted by the City of Burlington on April 16, 2018.
Chapter 1 - Great Street Definition and How to use the guide
Chapter 2 - Streets Boundaries and Corridors
Chapter 3 - Building Great Streets
Chapter 5 - Street Ecology (Trees & Stormwater)
Chapter 7 - Materials & Furnishing Palette
Appendix 1 - Roadway Zone Standards
Appendix 2 - Material Standards
Appendix 3 - Furnishing Standards
Appendix 4 - Wayfinding & Signage Standards
Additional information about the Great Street process and other projects can be found on the website.