Land Records are now accessible via
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Recording Fees are $15.00 per page for all documents recorded. Make checks payable to the City of Burlington.
- Recording Mylars are $25.00 per map. Maps must be 18"x24".
- Recording Fees for a document affecting more than one previously recorded instrument are $15.oo per each previously recorded instrument.
- Copies of documents are $1.00 per page. Certified copies are $1.00 per page plus $10.00 for the certification (per document).
- All deeds conveying property (even if no money is exchanged) must have a Vermont Property Transfer Tax Return. There is a $15.00 filing fee for this form. Contact the Vermont State Tax Department for information on this form: (802)828-2505
- Vermont records all Land Records by Town or City. There is no county recording system in Vermont. We only record documents pertaining to Burlington property. South Burlington is a separate town - their phone number is: (802)846-4105.
- The property address is required on all documents. This vital information will make it possible for us to give you more access to city wide property data and make your title search easier!
- We appreciate a postage paid self-addressed return envelope to accompany all recordings.
- Our Recording turn-around time is usually four weeks. Please contact us if your documents have not been returned to you if it has been more than six weeks after you sent them to us.
- We regret we cannot give out recording information over the phone.
- Unfortunately, we cannot provide search services due to staff limitations. If staff time permits, we are able to give information about how to search the land records.
To serve all our customers better, follow these tips for optimal efficiency when your documents are sent in for recording:
- Double check all documents for the necessary signatures & dates
- Print or type name of party under their signature
- Save money (& our vault space) by economizing when possible on the number of pages submitted for recording. Combining one and a half letter sized pages onto one legal page is OK!
- We prefer to record Discharge Statements rather than Discharges on the original mortgage
- Address your recording to the Land Records Office: City of Burlington, Attn: Land Records, 149 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401
- A cover letter with your name & phone number is helpful if we have questions
- Names should be spelled consistently on all documents. For example: John T. Smith; J. Thomas Smith; J. T. Smith or Jonathan Smith would all show up differently in a computer search. Likewise with hyphenated names. Please give directions on indexing unusual last names
- When filling out the Vermont Property Transfer Tax Form, make sure the information in section B is accurate and clearly printed. This vital information provides us with the data to update that parcel’s owner info for all city departments.
- Again, the property address should be on every document. The customer’s mailing address does not meet this requirement as the addresses are often different.