20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

We NEED Crossing Guards. Apply today!

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Department of Public Works

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I park my car on the street during winter months?

You can park on City streets during the Winter months EXCEPT during a Parking Ban. A Parking Ban will be in effect when the flashing warning lights are turned on. Vehicles must be off the street by 10pm once the lights are activated and remain off street until the lights are shut off. Towing will be enforced only from 10pm to 7am during the Parking Ban.


How do I report a pothole?

Please submit via https://www.SeeClickFix.com, or contact Customer Service at 863-9094 and identify the location of the pothole. Potholes are typically repaired within 72 hours after notification.


How often does my street get swept?

Street Sweeping occurs on each street at least twice each year, in addition to Operation Clean Sweep in the Spring and heavy debris cleanup in the Autumn. Should a street need additional sweeping please contact DPW Customer Service at (802) 863-9094 x3 or via email at dpw-pinecustomerservice@burlingtonvt.gov to make a request.


Can I push snow from my property onto the sidewalk or street?

No, a City ordinance restricts this act. Pushing snow back onto a sidewalk or street in not only a violation of City law, but may bring liability if the dumped snow causes an accident.


Do some streets get more of a priority during a snowstorm?

Yes, main arteries, hills, and connectors are plowed first because of the traffic volume. The remaining streets are plowed as part of a regular series of routes assigned to individual drivers.


Why does the City need a parking ban ordinance for snow removal?

Yes, snow must be removed and pushed back to the curb. Many streets in the older part of the City are narrow. In order for a snowplow to have access to the street, cars must be removed. Snow which lies under cars when not pushed to the curb has a tendency to be dragged out into the travelway days after a storm causing slippery conditions. Snow which remains on the street will deter drainage and accelerate road deterioration. Public Works studies show that plowing operation costs double when cars remain on the street.


How do I get a sidewalk repaired?

Beginning in 2009, the DPW launched a Sidewalk Strategic Plan that prioritizes sidewalk repairs for projects greater than 100' in length. Through this plan, sidewalks in the worst condition in the most heavily pedestrianized areas are repaired first. To request a small repair, contact Customer Service at 863-9094 or online and identify the location of the sidewalk that needs to be repaired.


How often do storm catch basins get cleaned?

Subject to budgetary constraints, the Street Division tries to inventory and clean all 2000 catch basins every two years (approximately 1000 per year).


What do I do if I get a sewer backup in my house?

Call Customer Service at 863-9094 and provide your name, address, phone number, and nature of backup. DPW will respond and check the main sewer line in the City's right of way. If the City sewer main is not plugged, DPW employees will notify the homeowner that the problem is on private property (the sewer lateral running from the house to the main in the City Street) and the homeowner shall resolve the problem at their own expense.


What should I do when repairing my driveway and the sidewalk needs repair?

Contact Customer Service at 863-9094 and we will attempt to make arrangements to replace the sidewalk before your driveway resurfacing occurs.