Colchester Avenue Sidepath
In the interest of improving pedestrian safety, the City, with federal Bicycle and Pedestrian funding through VTrans, is planning a new sidepath on the south side of Colchester Avenue between South Prospect Street and East Avenue. This project will replace, and widen an existing sidepath which is in poor condition.
Resource Systems Group, Inc. completed a Colchester Avenue Corridor Plan in 2010. Recomendations from the Colchester Avenue Corridor Plan form the basis for this project.
The existing Colchester Avenue southern Sidepath will be removed and replaced to meet accessibility design criteria and widened to meet current design guidelines for shared bicycle & pedestrian paths. The project includes a new 10’ wide concrete sidepath to replace the existing 8’ wide sidepath east of Mansfield Avenue and the 5’ wide sidepath west of Mansfield Avenue. This project includes widening the greenbelt between East Avenue and Mary Fletcher Avenue.
Updating this sidepath will benefit employees, visitors and patients of the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) as well as the University of Vermont (UVM). UVMMC and UVM are financially contributing to this project.
Anticipated Construction Start Date: May 18, 2020 Anticipated Construction End Date: August 25, 2020
May 2020 - Governor has lifted some Coronavirus restrictions. Construction is expected to begin mid-May. Pedestrians and cyclists should expect detours in the project area due to sidepath closures.
April 2020 - The project has been awarded to All Season's Excavation. Construction activities have been suspended City-Wide due to Coronavirus concerns.
March 2020 - D&K is currently in the process of performing a bid analysis. The City hopes to have the bid analysis completed and the project awarded to the construction contractor by the end of the month.
February 2020 - A bid opening was held on February 27, 2020
January 2020 - The City has put the project out to Bid.
December 2019 - Contract Plans and Bid documents have been completed. The City is preparing to put the project out to bid.
June 2019 - The design consultant, Dubois & King has completed the final design. VTrans is currently reviewing final plans and bid documents.
May 2019 - The Right-of-Way acquisition phase is complete, The City continues working with design consultant, DuBois & King, to progress final plans and bid documents.
February 2019 - The City continues working with property owners through the Right-of-Way phase to progress the execution of temporary easements.
April 2018 - DuBois & King continues to progress design plans, utility coordination, and right-of-way acquisition.
May 2016 - A Public Local Concerns Meeting was held on May 5, 2016. Conceptual drawings depicting two possible sidepath layouts were presented at the meeting. Conceptual drawing 1 from the meeting can be viewed here. Conceptual drawing 2 from the meeting can be viewed here.
March 2016 - DuBois & King was selected to provide engineering design services for this project. Survey has been completed for the project, as well as location of existing utilities and additional documentation of existing conditions. Concept plans are currently under development.
PROJECT MANAGER: Olivia Darisse, P.E., Public Works Engineer
UPDATED: March 6, 2020