Physical Condition and Required Repairs

Physical Condition and Required Repairs 

The City has wrestled with deferred maintenance and code requirements for the building for many years. Over the years, the City has invested funds in Memorial Auditorium to address these needs, but it has not been sufficient to keep pace with the continuing structural deterioration and functional obsolescence. In both 1994 and 2021, the City went to the Burlington voters requesting bond funding to invest in the building, but did not get the required 2/3 vote to pass.  The voters did approve $1 million in bond funding for analysis and stabilization of the building in March 2022.   

Throughout the years, there have been a number of assessments done on the condition of Memorial Auditorium all of which can be found below. Most recently, the City worked with structural engineer, Engineering Ventures, to do a stabilization review and provide recommendations and cost estimates.  The intent of the stabilization review was to: 

  • reduce the potential injury to people in and around the building; and

  • reduce the potential for further weathering or structural failure over the next 3 years to enhance the feasibility of future redevelopment of the building. 


Memorial Auditorium Condition Assessments


Below, you will find a suite of documents relating to the Memorial Auditorium, spanning from 1991 to 2022.