Engaging with our community to build an equitable, healthy, safe, and vibrant city with opportunities for all
Our values inform all our policies and practices, both internally and out in the community. We strive to incorporate these ideas into the work we do with one another, our partners, and the people we serve
Public Service
We are professionals who serve the people of Burlington and respond to needs in our community. We utilize our technical skills, depth of experience, and professional judgment to facilitate informed decision-making and advance the public interest
We improve quality of life in Burlington by connecting people and neighborhoods with one another, our community partners, and city government
Equity |
We ensure that all community members have the opportunity to participate in City initiatives
Respect |
We treat all people with kindness and consideration, and approach our interactions with empathy and thoughtfulness
Opportunity |
We foster opportunities for all citizens to prosper and thrive by supporting housing, entrepreneurship, education, and job growth
Innovation |
We embrace a culture of innovation and creativity, and we develop new solutions to meet the future needs of our community
We bring a comprehensive, long-view, big-picture outlook to our consideration of complex problems and creative solutions
Our vision is to make Burlington the most livable, just, and connected community in America by empowering individual voices in the life of our city, fostering healthy neighborhoods and housing choice, and advancing people-centered development.
Quality affordable housing is fundamental to the well-being of all residents. The city and region's economic strength is closely linked to a diversity of housing types and income ranges.
We advance leading-edge housing initiatives to expand housing choice and create a range of safe, affordable, and equitable options.
Boost the Housing Trust Fund to strengthen low- and middle-income housing efforts
Align competitive grant-making in CDBG, HOME, and Home Rehab to support strategic direction
Seek alternative investment for housing efforts, including employer-assisted housing, place-based investment, and Opportunity Zones
Create a program to slow and/or reverse the conversion of single family homes in near-campus neighborhoods
Promote policy changes to build additional student housing on or near campuses
Spark construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) through the reduction of regulatory barriers
Implement inclusionary zoning (IZ) reforms
Reinvigorate housing retention and home sharing efforts for seniors, formerly homeless, and other vulnerable populations
Lead establishments of a one-stop-shop for housing assistance
Direct local partnership to increase number of healthy, lead-safe, and energy efficient homes
Continue strong support of Continuum of Care initiatives for permanent supportive housing to combat homelessness
For Burlington to become a truly dynamic and inclusive community, we must have a thriving local economy. Work and education are critical pathways out of poverty.
We foster economic growth and create opportunity for all through locally focused, equity-driven policies and initiatives.
Update Jobs & People report
Map city's economic network to create dataset to inform investment and analyze service gaps for existing businesses
Develop comprehensive economic development strategy in partnership with local organizations
Support digital economy and smart manufacturing activities with local companies
Engage employers and community partners to expand job training and education programs to close the opportunity gap
Grow resources for small, locally-owned, and cooperative enterprises, as well as capacity for business support and expansion/relocation
Create a public-private business coalition for New American start-up ventures
Cultivate innovative youth-led youth policy and programming to grow next generation of leaders: My Brother's Keeper, AmeriCorps, City internships, cross-departmental coordination of youth programs
Lead establishments of Burlington as a Restorative City for Youth
Support ongoing development of Early Learning Initiative
Explore entrepreneurial growth and public-private partnership (P3) projects in conjunction with local anchor institutions
Community planning is the foundation for smart development and a tool for reducing inequality, promoting inclusion, and supporting environmental sustainability. It is an engine for responsible community growth and equitable economic progress.
We lead comprehensive community planning and placemaking efforts central to Burlington's future vitality, including coordinated interagency action on key City initiatives.
Facilitate completion of planBTV update for a distinctive, dynamic, inclusive, and connected city
Explore creation of South End Innovation District
Develop realistic, sustainable plans for the adaptive reuse of Memorial and redevelopment of Moran
Commence planning for redevelopment of central waterfront in conjunction with revision to the harbor management plan
Begin planning for Cherry Street - Waterfront connection
Complete conceptual redesign of Main Street
Support downtown core with establishment of Community Improvement District and promoting tax credit opportunities
Pilot placemaking and urban design innovations: parklets; outdoor dining terraces; bike-walk options
Regularly review opportunities to remove housing development barriers, e.g., IZ & ADU reforms, on-the-record review
Restructure on-site parking policy and develop innovative and accessible transportation alternatives
Robust community engagement provides an opportunity to transform Burlington by identifying and addressing challenges in a collaborative manner. Empowered and well-trained employees are critical to this effort.
We strive to be a center of excellence and recognized national leader for exceptional community engagement to create a more equitable and just community.
Embed a comprehensive, citywide civic engagement strategy into all departmental initiatives
Lead effort to educate City Departments, City Council, and other community partners on restorative practices, equity & inclusion, and civic engagement
Strengthen restorative practice efforts county-wide, including: State's Attorney referrals, RICC, and Diversion; victim services, Parallel Justice and Neighborhood Peacemaking; Burlington School District implementation; and re-entry collaboration between Chittenden CJCs
Seek partnerships with organizations and businesses to operationalize justice and social equity in the community
Bolster training for staff and volunteers to focus on equity, inclusion, and ethics, and recruit and retain staff and volunteers that are reflective of Burlington community
Expand professional development opportunities for staff
Establish a collaborative, agile work model both internally and with partner organizations
Enhance digital presence for all programs using modern tools and technologies