The Burlington Lead Program
The Burlington Lead Program (BLP) is a housing program within the City of Burlington Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) and is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Lead Program received its first Lead Hazard Control Grant in 2003, and is currently in it's sixth grant cycle. In 2020, BLP was awarded it's current grant of more than $3 million to reduce lead-based paint hazards in pre-1978 homes in Burlington and Winooski, as well as helping keep community members safe from lead-poisoning through education and outreach. The Burlington Lead Program hope to be awarded a new grant in January 2025. This program is not accepting applications currently, but if you would like to be added to the waitlist for our next grant, please email
Our program provides 100% forgivable grants and loans towards a lead hazard reduction project to make qualifying homes or rental properties safer and healthier. Our lead hazard reduction treatments include replacement windows, indoor and outdoor deteriorated paint stabilization, and more. We are able to provide up to:
• $15,000/unit in eligible rental properties where no children under age 6 reside,
• $17,500/unit in eligible rental properties where children under age 6 reside, and
• $20,000 for eligible owner-occupied or rental single-family properties where a child under age 6 resides or visits frequently.
Our program also has Healthy Homes funding available ($5,000/household) to address a variety of environmental health and safety concerns including mold, allergens, carbon monoxide, pests, and more. Our Healthy Homes treatments include removing old carpet, floor replacement, replacing inoperable windows, asbestos abatement, and more.
Apply Today
Apply by submitting a Property Owner Application and/or a Household Application to get started. Property Owners should fill out a Property Owner Application, which asks questions about the property itself. Occupants of the property should fill out the Household Application, which asks questions about household members' demographics and income sources. Owner-Occupants should fill out both. This program is not accepting applications currently, but if you would like to be added to the waitlist for our next grant, please email
To qualify for assistance the unit must:
- Be located in Burlington or Winooski
- Have been constructed prior to 1978
- Have at least one (1) bedroom
- Total household income cannot exceed 80% of the area median income. Specific income verifications will be collected during application process.
- Owner-occupied units must have a child under age 6 or an expectant parent living at or frequently visiting the residence. This requirement does not apply to rental units.
The Team
For general inquiries, email or call us at 802.865.5323 (LEAD.) For specific inquiries, see below:
Margaret Williams, Lead Program Manager |
Will Verman, Lead Project Manager |
Constance Craik, Lead Program Specialist I |
Sean Melinn, Lead Program Specialist I |