20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

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Department of Public Works

Project: North Champlain Protected Bike Lane

Building a safer, connected city

Pictures of a "pop-up" demontration on South Champlain Street in 2018Project Description:

planBTV Walk Bike identified North Champlain Street as a top-priority for a protected bike lane. This protected bike lane will extend the full length of North Champlain Street, providing a dedicated, separate space for people of all ages, all abilities, and all backgrounds to travel by bike to work, to school, to shops, and to their homes.

After evaluating several alternatives, discussions at neighborhood meetings, and demonstrating a two-way bike lane on North Champlain Street during a pop-up event during Open Streets 2018 (see image), a two-way bicycle lane on the west side of North Champlain Street is under design.

Why North Champlain?

The existing 5’ bike lane adjacent to 2-lanes of traffic only accommodates people who are comfortable bicycling next to vehicles. The planned protected bike lane will transform North Champlain Street into a one-lane street with a protected bike lane in place of the western vehicle lane and existing 5’ bike lane. This will provide safer access and more transportation options for neighbors and for people visiting the Sustainability Academy, the Integrated Arts Academy (just 3 blocks east), and North St neighborhood businesses. 

What's been done to date?

  • In 2017, planBTV recommended a protected bike lane for North Champlain Street.
  • In 2018, the city hired VHB to develop a concept plan and facilitate public engagement to vet the concept. That work culminated in a pop-up demonstration during Open Streets.
  • In 2020, the city hired VHB to complete construction drawings, prepare final traffic analysis, and facilitate more public engagement. VHB has vetted the following design elements:
  • Curb extensions will be adjusted at the North Street intersection
  • Roadway may be widened between Pearl Street and Monroe Street
  • Where necessary, traffic signal upgrades are included
  • Speed humps will be removed from the protected bike lane

As of 2022, the design team is preparing engineering drawings for this project and anticipates construction beginning in 2023 or 2024, depending on funding. The final design includes:

  • Two-way bike lane separated from the travel lane with precast concrete curb sections
  • A new bike signal at North Champlain & Manhattan Drive
  • Replacing all speed humps

Public Meeting

What: North Champlain St and Manhattan Drive Walk-Bike Accommodations

When: March 25, 2021 at 6:30pm

View the PDF presentation  
Watch the meeting presentation and discussion 

Questions? Feedback?


DPWPlanning@burlingtonvt.gov, 802-863-9094