2014 - 2015 Integrated Planning Efforts
Integrated Water Quality Management Strategies Diagram
Integrated Water Quailty Planning Outreach Events (2015)
Introduction to Integrated Planning Project Presentations:
June 4: Webinar (will be archived for later viewing also) -Link to Archived Presentation
June 4: Ward 6 NPA Meeting
June 10: Ward 1&8 NPA Meeting (link to CCTV recording, see chapter 4)
June 11: Ward 2&3 Meeting (link to CCTV recording, see chapter 5)
June 17 : DPW Commission (link to PDF of presentation)
June 18: Ward 5 Meeting
June 24: Ward 4&7 Meeting
August 18: Talk Show on Channel 17/Town Meeting Television (recording)
Online Survey:
Integrated Water Quality Planning survey (open until August 25th) - Survey now closed, check back for results.
Stakeholder meetings:
August 27: Invited stakeholder meeting to develop initial project selection criteria based on citizen input (PDF of presentation)
- By invitation: City Departments, Council representatives, City board/commission representatives, non-governmental environmental organizations.