Burlington's commitment to historic preservation is reflected in the City's designation as a Certified Local Government (CLG) community by the National Park Service in 1991. This unique partnership between federal, state and local government provides valuable insight and perspective from the local level to state and federal regulators and decision makers. In turn, local governments have access to technical assistance and matching grant funds to further local preservation goals.
Activities of the CLG Program include:
- National and State Register of Historic Places
Burlington's CLG reviews nominations for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and the State Register of Historic Places, and offers comments and recommendations to the VT Division for Historic Preservation and the National Park Service.
- Burlington Historic Sites and Structures Survey
Burlington's CLG plays a lead role in the development of an inventory and documentation of historic sites and structures throughout the community.
- Public Information and Education
Burlington's CLG Program offers a wide range of information available to the public and other agencies about Burlington's historic resources; the importance of historic preservation to supporting the City's economy and quality of life; and the process and benefits of listing a property on the State or National Register of Historic Places.
- Federal Section 106 Review
Burlington's CLG reviews and comments on development proposals involving federal property or programs for their potential impact on important historic resources.
Burlington's CLG Program is administered by the Department of Permitting & Inspections, with oversight provided by the Burlington Historic Preservation Review Committee.