
IRC and RRPM Trainings & Vermont Lead Law

IRC and RRPM Trainings

The Burlington Lead Program sponsors FREE in-person trainings for the public to receive an IRC certification which is required for rental property owners and child care facility operators to stay in compliance with the Vermont Lead Poisoning Prevention Law regulations.  BLP will be hosting classes on the following days, to sign up call 802-865-5323 (LEAD) or email blp@burlingtonvt.gov.  All classes will be held at Burlington City Hall 149 Church St Burlingont, Vt. in the Sharon Bushor conference room (1st floor, Church St. entrance.)


    IRC Classes:


    Thursday, July 11 from 1-4 pm    CANCELLED - RESCHEDULED FOR JULY 24

    Thursday, July 24 from 1-4 pm

    Thursday, August 15 from 1-4pm




    Do you plan to work on a residential building built before 1978, or own rental property or a daycare? This course satisfies the training requirements for the new Vermont Renovation, Repair, Painting and Maintenance [RRPM] Rule. Completion of the training is required to attain the Vermont RRPM Supervisor licensure as well as the EPA RRP Lead Renovator Certification.

    • Identify the hazards of lead-based paint
    • Outline both the EPA RRP rule requirements and the new Vermont Lead Paint Program requirements;
    • Provide information on education of lead hazards to occupants and building owners and set up area barriers
    • Provide hands-on experience for working lead safe, to include containments, PPE, lead safe work practices
    • Detail the requirements for cleaning and clearing the area after the job is done
    • Identify and fill out the paperwork required for each job, and explain what records need to be kept for each job
    • Show what is needed to train non-certified or non- licensed workers to work lead safe.



    To check if a pre-1978 rental building or childcare center has filed its required annualIRC compliance statement, please click here.

    To report a concern to the Vermont Department of Health regarding possible unsafe handling of asbestos or lead-containing materials, please click here.


    Vermont has taken over the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) federal regulations regarding lead-based paint hazards, and will now be called "Renovation, Repair, Painting and Maintenance (RRPM)" regulations. The Health Department will oversee compliance with these regulations and will license individuals and entities that perform renovation, repair, painting and maintenance work. 

    Starting October, 2022 Essential Maintenance Practices (EMPs) will be called Inspection, Repair and Cleaning (IRC) Practices. IRC practices will be the same as EMPs, except for these differences:

    • If you are EMP Certified, you will no longer be able to perform paint repair of 1 square foot or more per interior room or exterior surface on pre-1978 rental housing and child care facilities. Repairs of areas larger than this will need to be performed by someone who is licensed under the Vermont Renovation, Repair, Painting and Maintenance (RRPM) regulations.

      • Visit the Vermont RRP website "How do I become Lead-Safe RRPM Licensed" to learn how to become RRPM trained and licensed. If you cannot find an RRP training within driving distance, complete this survey

    • You will still be able to use your EMP Certification to perform EMPs (except for repairs) for 5 years from the date you took the EMP training. After that, you will need to take the new IRC training to receive an updated certification number. 

      • If you received an EMP certificate more than 5 years ago, you will need to renew your training by taking the IRC Practices online training. 

      • To learn more about IRC Certifications, please visit please click here.

    If you have questions about these changes please read this info sheet or contact Vermont's Asbestos and Lead Regulatory Program by emailing irccompliance@vermont.gov or by calling 802-863-7220. 


    What is the Vermont Lead Law?

    The Vermont Lead Law is a requirement for all rental properties and childcare centers that were built before 1978 to be in compliance with Essential Maintenance Practices (EMPs). This law also applies to contractors working on, renovating or maintaining pre-1978 properties and childcare facilities.

    • Tenants must be provided with "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" booklet.

    • An approved notice asking occupants to report chipping, flaking, or damaged paint must be posted.

    • An EMP certified individual needs to sign and file an annual compliance statement certifying that EMPs have been completed.

    • Copies of the compliance statement must be provided to tenants and insurance carriers at least every 365 days. For compliance statement filing instructions please click here

    The Essential Maintenance Practices (EMPs) are to:

    • Inspect the interior and exterior of a property for deteriorated paint (annually & at unit turnover).
    • Identify areas where paint is in poor condition and fixing it within 30 days by using lead-safe work practices. This changes October 1st. Please see above for more details. 
      • If area is larger than 1 sq ft, an RRPM certified individual is needed to complete the work.
    • Verify the installation of low-cost coil stock inserts in window wells in all wooden windows.
    • Remove any visible paint chips on the ground outside the building.
    • Perform specialized cleaning in common areas and at unit turnover.
    • Take precautions whenever remodeling to prevent the spread of lead dust.

    For all further inquiries regarding EMPs, please contact the Vermont Department of Health at 802-865-7220 or empcompliance@vermont.gov.

    Work Practices:

    The Vermont Lead Law prohibits lead-based paint unsafe work practices that increase the risk of lead exposure. For more information about lead-safe work practices, please click here.  

    Unsafe lead-based paint work practices:

    • Using a heat gun, water, or sandblasting
    • Dry scraping
    • Power sanding
    • Chemical stripping

    Safe lead-based paint work practices:

    • Limiting access to work areas
    • Using plastic dust barriers
    • Wearing protective clothing
    • Using water to dampen painted surfaces or debris before disturbing them