Assessor&Rsquo;S Office

Tax Parcel Maps

Disclaimer:  These are Tax Parcel Maps.  These are NOT a survey. The information contained on these maps is used to locate, identify and inventory parcels of land in the City of Burlington, VT for reference purposes only. These maps were prepared for listing and reference purposes and are NOT to be used for legal description, conveyance, current or former occupation or determination of legal title. Map information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. 

Please refer to the Land Records Office in City Hall for official Surveys or Warranty Deeds, which typically have metes and bounds descriptions of the dimensions.

This program is not smartphone compatible.

Click on the Citywide index map below for the specific portion of the City that you desire. This will open a PDF of that specific map section that you may use as needed. It can be zoomed in to see further detail or printed on any page size (the file is a full size 36 x 42 inch map).

If you want to download ALL of the Tax Parcel Maps in one document click here (13MB file).


Click on a tile to download the full res PDF