Coordinated Entry System

What is Coordinated Entry?


Coordinated Entry systems are important in ensuring the success of homeless assistance and homeless prevention programs in communities. In particular, such systems help communities systematically assess the needs of program participants and effectively match each individual or family with the most appropriate resources available to address that individual or family’s particular needs. Most communities lack the resources needed to meet all of the needs of people experiencing homelessness. This, combined with the lack of well-developed coordinated entry processes, resulted in severe hardships for people experiencing homelessness. They often faced long waiting times to receive assistance or are screened out of needed assistance.

A Coordinated Entry System helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. The Coordinated Entry System also provides information about service needs and gaps to help communities plan their assistance and identify needed resources.

In April 2022, CEDO made an investment to expand staffing for the Chittenden County Coordinated Entry System, adding an outreach component and administrative support to ensure adequate capacity. The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity [link] is the host agency and fiscal agent for the local Coordinated Entry system, providing leadership and oversight for this critical program.


The Coordinated Entry System is intended to increase and streamline access to housing and services for households experiencing homelessness, match appropriate levels of housing and services based on their needs, and prioritize persons with severe service needs for the most intensive interventions. HUD’s primary goals for coordinated entry processes are:

1. Assistance will be allocated as effectively as possible.

2. Assistance is easily accessible no matter where or how people present.