Thursday, April 9, 2020
2:00 p.m.
Today's daily briefing includes an announcement on the next steps for the "Shared Streets for Social Distancing" initiative and what Burlingtonians can expect this weekend, an update on the BTV Community Mask Initiative, and more.
Watch the full briefing in the video below, and join us live every weekday at 2:00 pm for the latest updates in the City's response to COVID-19. There are three ways to watch these updates live: 1) through Facebook Live, 2) through Zoom webinar at this link:, or 3) by phone using this number: (929) 205-6099, webinar ID: 981 431 445. Thanks to CCTV Channel 17, these briefings also are available to watch on Channel 317 and the Channel 17 YouTube page.
"Shared Streets for Social Distancing"
- This is an initiative to adjust our street network in order to create additional places for residents to recreate and walk while allowing for safe distance
- This initiative has three parts: 1) designating some streets for local traffic only, 2) signage to designate other streets as “shared streets,” and 3) temporary parking restrictions in select locations to widen key walking and biking corridors
- This initiative is for everyone: residents who need to go to a grocery store or pharmacy but who may not have a car, first responders looking for safe ways to recreate close to home, and families caring for children while working from home
- We launched this initiative last weekend, and now we’re expanding it!
- Streets that are part of this initiative will receive one of two designations: Shared Streets or Local Traffic Only
- Signage will be deployed on designated streets
- There are no changes to traffic patterns on the “Shared Streets,” and emergency services will continue to have full access to the street network
- In many cases, this signage will support and make safer what people are already doing
- So what should Burlingtonians expect? View the maps and find more information:
- This won’t all be done right away: Next step for this weekend is the Old North End (prioritized due to residential density)
BTV Community Mask Initiative
- As of end of the day yesterday, we’ve distributed more than 1,050 masks to essential workers in Burlington:
- Feeding Chittenden Food Shelf (45)
Hannaford North Ave (75)
Converse Home (70 - first installment)
August First (4)
Burlington Health & Rehab (20 - first installment)
Loving Care Senior Center (20 for home visitors)
Market32 (120)
CEDO staff (15)
CHCB (93)
Elderwood (55)
Ethan Allen (50)
Burlington Housing Authority (50)
City Market (200)
Burlington Parks & Rec (60)
Heineberg Senior Center (50)
St. Joe’s Senior Center(50)
Lund (50)
COTS (60)
- Feeding Chittenden Food Shelf (45)
- We’ve also committed to distributing 1000 more masks to the UVMMC administrative team
- This is thanks to our partners:
- Lyric Theatre continues to create kits that skilled, volunteer sewers can use to create these masks at home
- Vermont Teddy Bear now is producing 300 of these masks every day
- And more
- We are on track to get masks to every essential worker who has requested one by the end of next week
- At this time, our effort is focused only on getting masks to essential workers – we have to prioritize those people first. However, once we’ve met that need, we’ve committed to producing thousands more masks and getting those to any Burlingtonian who wants one by May 1.
- Important: If you are an essential worker and you’d like a mask, we need to hear from you! Contact our Resource & Recovery Center: (802) 755-7239,,
- If you’re an experienced sewer and you’d like to volunteer, please contact the Resource & Recovery Center as well!
Mental health during COVID-19
- People need access to mental health services during this time perhaps more than ever
- We’ve conducted outreach and confirmed with leading providers of mental health services that they are staffed and able to meet community need, including virtually
- We have highlighted Howard Center’s First Call for Chittenden County as a resource that is available 24/7/365
- Resources on the “Mental Health and Safety” page on RRC website:
- Planning a virtual town hall series on mental health, with the first one next week: Thursday, April 16 at noon