Burlington's Municipal Development Plan, or "Comprehensive Plan," presents the City's vision for
land use and development over the next ten to twenty year period.
A community’s Municipal Development Plan must be both visionary and strategic. It outlines goals and objectives for the future, and is the principal guide directing land use policy and decision-making. It defines the policies, programs and specific actions necessary to attain these objectives, prepares the city for growth, and provides a reliable basis for public and private investment.
This Plan is prepared every 8 years in accordance with state statute and has standing in statewide regulatory proceedings including Act 250. All City plans and programs which effect land use and development, including the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Impact Fees, and Capital Improvement Plan, must be in conformance with the policies and directives found in Burlington's Comprehensive Plan which is regularly kept up-to-date by incorporating new area or topic-specific plans.
See below for the most recently adopted version of the City Comprehensive Plan as well as a link to learn more about the 2019 update.
The 2019 update to planBTV is underway! |
2014 Municipal Development Plan
Re-Adopted by the Burlington City Council on March 31, 2014.
For a complete copy click here, otherwise individual chapters are available below:
- Land Use Plan
- Natural Environment
- Built Environment
- Historic Preservation
- Transportation Plan
- Economic Development Plan
- Community Facilities and Services Plan
- Energy Plan
- Housing Plan
- Education Plan
- Implementation Plan
- Relationship to Other Plans
- Glossary of Terms
- References and Resources
- Appendix A-Community Profile
- Appendix B-Demographic Profile
List of Maps
Note: The below maps are mostly 9 x 14 inches page size, and appear at the end of the Plan document, unless otherwise indicated. Several smaller maps are incorporated into the relevant sections of the Plan as necessary.
- Current Land Use (0.3 mb)
- Zoning Districts 1996 (29 x 42 inches; 0.9 mb)
- Future Land Use - Land Use Plan pg I-29 (1.5 mb)
Natural Features (0.3 mb) - Significant Natural Areas and Open Space - Natural Environment pg II-11 (0.7 mb)
- Transportation (0.3 mb)
Transportation System - Transportation System Plan pg V-25 (0.3 mb) - Bike Routes - Transportation System Plan pg V-24 (0.3 mb)
- Schools and Elementary School Districts - Education Plan pg X-4 (0.3 mb)