As a result of your commitment and a huge effort including BIPOC community leaders, hospital workers, members of the National Guard, hospital workers, pharmacists, and more, Chittenden County is the most vaccinated County in the most vaccinated State in the nation, and we have reached a critical threshold with 80% of residents 12 years or older in the County receiving at least one dose of a vaccine and the number of new county infections dropping to as few as one a day multiple times in the last week. This is an incredible accomplishment and is yet another indication in this historic pandemic of the strength and compassion of this community.
To finish the job, close racial disparities, and stop any chance of significant new infections in the fall, we should drive the vaccination rate even higher.
And, the covid-19 pandemic is not the only emergency we face. We must also forge progress on the economic recovery, climate action, and to create an equitable and inclusive community for all our neighbors.
That is why I’m pleased to share news with you about new, accessible opportunities to get a vaccine, upcoming events in Burlington this June, and our ongoing work for public safety transformation.
Pop-up Vaccination Clinics
These pop-up clinics are part of a shared strategy among our State and community partners to make vaccines as accessible as possible to every Vermonter – at beaches, schools, churches, downtown late at night, the Farmers Market, festivals, and other locations. These vaccines are safe, free, and effective. If you have not yet received one, I hope you will attend one of these upcoming pop-up clinics with your friends and family.
Saturday May 29th 9am – 2pm – Burlington Farmer’s Market, 245 Pine Street, Burlington (take this out?)
June 4th & 5th, 11th & 12th - Burlington’s Discover Jazz Festival, City Hall Park by College St., more information to follow at
June 19th, - Burlington’s Juneteenth Celebration, downtown near City Hall Park, more information to follow at
Upcoming Events
I am excited to welcome neighbors and visitors back to Burlington this summer.
On June 4th we kick-off the Discover Jazz Festival. It will be great to hear Jazz in the streets of Burlington again. I hope everyone comes out to safely enjoy amazing music and artists, and to support the festival, the Flynn, and Burlington City Arts. The last day of the festival is Sunday June 13 - all events are outdoors and strictly follow public health guidelines – you can find more info at and on Facebook.
And the following week the City will host our first annual Juneteenth Celebration.
From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19 as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. We plan to have a Citywide celebration the weekend of June 19th and 20th with musical performances, art installations, food vendors, educational opportunities, and more. In person or online programming will correlate with current safety protocols and you can see up-to-date programming at
Public Safety Transformation
We need structural and cultural transformation of law enforcement in this country and in Burlington, and to forge a new consensus on the future of public safety here. Our new Police Chief will play an essential leadership role in that work. Our hope is to have a community informed hiring process for our next permanent Chief that fosters trust and creates a strong foundation for our public safety transformation. There are several ways for you to weigh in, and I hope you will consider engaging this important process.
First, all members of the community are invited to complete the Police Chief survey to weigh in on the qualifications, experience, and priorities for Burlington’s next Police Chief. The survey is available in English, Burmese, French, Kirundi, Nepali, Spanish, Somali, Swahili, and Vietnamese. You can select the language for the survey in the top right hand corner of the web page.
And, community members can apply to join The Search Committee, which will be approximately 11 members, including two City Councilors (Karen Paul and Jane Stromberg) and two Police Commissioners (Melo Grant and Stephanie Seguino).
For more information about the search process and timeline, to take the Police Chief Survey, and to apply to join the Police Chief Search Committee, visit the City website:
In addition to our community led search for a new chief, The City Council Public Safety Committee and Police Commission's Joint Committee is working with the consulting firm Talitha Consults to conduct a Public Safety Survey that will inform the operational and functional assessment of the Burlington Police Department. The survey will gather the community's thoughts on the needs, values, and visions for building a safe and healthy Burlington and how to meet that goal. Anyone who lives, works, plays, or has an active connection to the City of Burlington is encouraged to take part in the survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. As an incentive to participate, Talitha Consults will raffle off ten $50 gift certificates from local businesses to survey respondents who complete the survey. For more information about the operational assessment and the City’s public safety transformation efforts, please visit the City’s website:
As we all look forward to returning to full, and dynamic community life – it is clear that we have a lot to celebrate, as well as of work to do. This past year has shown me that regardless of the challenge, Burlingtonians can work together to forge incredible progress.
Finally – in person, weekly Mornings with Miro coffees at 8 AM Wednesday at the New North End Bagel Café have resumed! I hope to see you there soon.