
CY24 Paving Contract Invitation for Bids


The City of Burlington Department of Public Works (“City”) is seeking bids for street reconstruction as part of the CY’24 Paving Contract. Electronic (PDF) bids from prequalified contractors will be accepted until 11:00 AM, prevailing time on February 20, 2024, to for construction of the project hereinafter described.  Bid opening will be held at the City of Burlington at 645 Pine Street, Suite A, Burlington, in the Department of Public Works office via conference call at 11:00 AM, Tuesday, February 20, 2024; and virtually on Zoom. The time of receiving and opening bids may be postponed due to emergencies or unforeseen conditions.

Important Note:

Please be aware that the time for receiving and opening bids may be subject to postponement in case of emergencies or unforeseen conditions. We will communicate any changes promptly.  To participate in the bid process, please ensure that your electronic bid reaches us by the specified deadline.  The opening of bids will be conducted both in-person and virtually, allowing flexibility for all participants.  In order to be permitted to bid, Contractors must request the official full bid document package, and associated plan set from DPW in writing.  Send request to MPM;   

Electronic BIDS shall be marked: “Bid Documents: CY-24 Paving Contract” and the bidder's name.

Each BID must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City of Burlington for five percent (5%) of the total amount of the BID.  A BID bond may be used in lieu of a certified check.

This contract is subject to the Burlington Pre-Qualification of Construction Contractors, the Burlington Livable Wage Ordinance, the Burlington Union Deterrence Ordinance, and the Burlington Outsourcing Ordinance.  No bid will be accepted without signed certificates of compliance with listed ordinances.

LOCATION: The project streets and street segments are located throughout the City of Burlington. Mill and fill repaving and structure adjustment will occur on North Avenue from Plattsburgh Ave. to Staniford Rd., and along the extent of Staniford Rd. from Oakland Terrace to North Ave.. Mill and fill work may occur on North Ave. from Staniford Rd. to Shore Rd. as an add alternate as indicated in the contract documents. Additionally, mill and fill patching may occur on the following streets: Fairmount St., Archibald St., Intervale Ave., Woodbury Rd., Robinson Pkwy., and Cliff St., as add alternates as indicated in the contract documents.

TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: This contract will consist of mill and fill paving of the roadway, localized full-depth patches, and adjusting driveway aprons as needed. It will also include curb and sidewalk work to ensure compliance with accessibility laws and standards. The work involves lowering catch basins, manhole structures, and water valves throughout the project streets.

CONTRACT START DATE:  Work shall not begin before July 1, 2024.

CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE:  The Contract shall be completed on or before June 30, 2025. Work continued after June 30, 2025, shall be subject to accrued liquidated damages as set forth by the GENERAL, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, and CITY OF BURLINGTON ENGINEERING STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS.

COST OF PLANS:   Plans and bid documents are available electronically at no cost per request to the Municipal Project Manager (MPM), Phillip Peterson P.E., by email.
Phillip Peterson P.E., Public Works Engineer

(802) 598-8356


City Department: 
Public Works Department
RFP Deadline: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Attached Files: