[Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:39:57 Recording too, right? Yeah, we're recording. I don't know why this is not letting Go into this video. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:40:10 I went to the No, we're worried about your wife there. Did you, did you allow it to have access to the cameras? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:40:19 Yeah, let's try this. Hey, there we go. You can you on? Okay, please. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:40:31 Thank you. I'm gonna just go ahead and make everybody a co-host. Does that Yeah, Alright. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:40:58 There she is not there. Figure out why the video is not working. Now that Which video? It wasn't letting people turn on their videos and then I made them. [Councilor Dieng] 17:41:11 It seems it's good now. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:13 Yeah. Okay. Sorry, sorry, sorry. [Councilor Dieng] 17:41:16 No problem. Thank you for [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:19 Technical difficulties. [Councilor Dieng] 17:41:20 Yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:23 Okay. [Councilor Dieng] 17:41:24 Okay, let's wait for maybe Ben Yeah, maybe let's tell give a text. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:28 Yes, I just send the message as well. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:39 You right now. I will be doing that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:55 Hi, almost, like, to be in the room. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:41:58 Oh, how are you? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:42:07 Sorry for the technical difficulties today. [Councilor Dieng] 17:42:11 Okay, no problem. It happens, right? And was just wondering if you can also update it on the, [Melo Grant] 17:42:12 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:42:14 Good. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:42:18 It's been done. It's on. It's been updated on both places. Civic clerks and on the website. [Councilor Dieng] 17:42:23 Perfect. [Councilor Dieng] 17:42:28 Okay, it's just Karen Paul is asking for it. I'm like [Melo Grant] 17:42:39 I couldn't get it from the. The calendar, but when you go into Civic Clerk. [Melo Grant] 17:42:47 It shows. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:42:50 That's good. Is it on the? Is there anything on the calendar or just only when you go into Service Claire? [Melo Grant] 17:42:57 There is something on the calendar, but it didn't work and I didn't pay attention to the numbers. [Melo Grant] 17:43:03 I just went into Civic Clark and copied and pasted and then it worked. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:07 Can you? Is it possible to delete a calendar? We don't have access to the. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:18 We're, I think we use. Okay. Burlington Telecom. Yes, I see. [Melo Grant] 17:43:24 I just forwarded Karen Ethan's email if wanted to text her. [Councilor Dieng] 17:43:27 Okay. Thank you. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:34 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:37 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:47 Yes. [Councilor Dieng] 17:43:47 Yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:43:57 There's Hey, everyone should be able to turn their camera now. [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:08 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:44:15 I didn't care for us. [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:15 Alright, so. [Ben Traverse] 17:44:17 I am, I am here, I am, as I let Council Jane know earlier, I'm unfortunately feeling a bit under the weather so I'm saving you all the pleasure of having to see me on video at the moment. [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:23 Yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:44:26 Okay. Thank you. [Ben Traverse] 17:44:27 But good to be here. [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:28 Yes. Wonderful. And, Councillor Grant, you sent it to, Councillor Paul. [Melo Grant] 17:44:38 I sent her the email. I can text or we may want to text or let her know we sent a [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:43 I did that's her but she's not in but we can start and I think it's a 5 44 and we have a motion on the agenda. [Councilor Dieng] 17:44:52 Please. [Melo Grant] 17:44:57 I Move to accept the agenda. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:03 Okay. Okay, okay. All your favor, say aye. Hi. [Ben Traverse] 17:45:07 Bye again. [Melo Grant] 17:45:08 Hi. [Ben Traverse] 17:45:12 Bye. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:12 The first order is approve the minutes of our last meeting. Bye. Awesome. [Melo Grant] 17:45:25 Move to accept the minutes from the previous meeting and I just closed it by accident so I couldn't see the day just a moment. [Melo Grant] 17:45:33 Sorry about that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:45:34 Yes. [Ben Traverse] 17:45:35 Second, that motion. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:37 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:45:39 So. [Melo Grant] 17:45:40 The minutes for 7 18. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:41 Have a 18, yep. And we have a second all in favor. Aye. Okay. [Melo Grant] 17:45:46 Bye. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:50 So do we have any member of the community for a public forum. [Councilor Dieng] 17:45:57 Anybody from the community? To address the committee, whether in person or online. [Councilor Dieng] 17:46:04 Yeah [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:04 Yeah, I'm here. I'm here, I just, wanted to show up in support of our IV today. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:15 Okay. My, my wife, the, Christine who's the director of It also, Who's that I'll be? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:26 I think Isaac, community engagement support director was supposed to come over to I don't know. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:38 You're saying he's trying to get on the link isn't working. We have this reposted. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:40 If you take them in the program manager, he's holding it down over at the camp center right now because they have chess going chess night going on simultaneously. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:48 But we just we did know that meeting was happening tonight now because they have chess chess going chess night one on simultaneously. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:55 But we just we didn't know that meeting was happening tonight watching and still supportive of the work of the RVI. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:46:59 In support of. Work that we continue to do together. The other thing too is there's a couple of Well, there's a handful of things that are going on at all at the same time. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:47:12 I don't know whether I have the ability to even get to all of them right now, but I would just say that increasingly up on the link tree you'll see as I've mentioned of some of, an early tree on our, on social media. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:47:28 I think just highlighting some of that. Is, definitely the affinity spaces. Affinity groups. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:47:36 First and second Thursdays of the month and that's going to be That's gonna be the, use in adult, respect respectively. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:47:47 Yeah, and I would say. It's also important to flagged it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:47:53 The, the back and school black party that's gonna be happening at the end of of this month. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:00 Cosmo Jean, you were at the last block party. As a matter of fact, I remember you specifically because I think you left your phone. [Councilor Dieng] 17:48:04 Yeah. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:17 But you are welcome to come back. The. As well, and all of the entire community will be pushing some stuff over to you. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:29 And the community will be pushing some stuff over to you so you can push it out. I'm just gonna summarize some of it and I think it'll come a little bit. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:36 I'm just gonna summarize some of it. I think it'll come a little bit more. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:37 But this is just an example where You know, we're gonna get a chance to work together and stuff. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:43 I think, yeah, just update, you know, on the first day. We had last. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:50 Some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, faces I saw there, I know for a fact I saw a constant green space. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:48:58 And of course, director, Carson was there as well. So I want to thank you all for supporting that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:05 That was awesome. Also, with that effort, the RDI office also financially supported that effort, to the tune of I want to save about $5,000. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:16 Thank you. So, so that was kind of a big deal. And, that was a big deal. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:24 We appreciate it. You know, we, usually are upside down. We lost probably about 30, $40,000 on it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:30 But we typically do that. Yeah, and I think Yeah, some of, some other things are happening after school program after school activities. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:43 We're even into that. Trying to figure out how to dance with the school, with the school district. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:48 We know many of those over there, but It's just, you know, it's, You know, he was a skillful dance that we all have to do together. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:49:59 So just try to figure out how we play with them and how we. How do we also delineate, delineate ourselves as community as neighborhood as grass roots, yeah, and still supporting the youth. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:16 So that'll be, I think, lent off somewhere around a third over 2, in October or so. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:19 I think I think we'd be wise to use the IV as a conduit for that as well. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:25 Because you know we're doing new stuff and people are just kinda like don't wanna show for new stuff right I know the kids are so busy doing other things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:38 So, so any support that we can get from the RIB on that to get the word out, that'd be great. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:41 If, if you'd be so kind to help us out on that. I'm gonna stop here for now. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:50:48 There's some other things that I couldn't mention, but I know that there are others. From the But you can't center as well as the elites who are here to tell you what maybe they may during this period they want to mention one or more of those things or not but again mostly I just I'm gonna apologize. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:51:05 I'm gonna have to do because I actually have. To teach Bible study tonight at 7. And embarrassingly I still need to review the lesson so I'm gonna get out of here Pretty quick, get home and get after that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:51:19 I'm just, you know, I just feel need every now and then just to get in the room and show my face and also, express my support. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:51:27 I definitely looking forward to hearing. More on, The. In the work that we have ahead of us for that because I think that's where things get interesting because Then you start to look to pull community into this work. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:51:46 The racial equity, inclusion and belonging, the mission. Which I think Yeah, there's certainly some language. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:51:55 That has been contemplated where We've at least, we inserted the language as a holding spot to. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:03 To remind us that we may think we might think it's a good idea to do something like that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:09 So I'd love to see this body in return to that conversation. And move that work forward so we can. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:17 Get it some time because I believe that that permission is really going to serve more as the non-governmental advisory component of the work that you do. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:28 Appointed though they may be they are still you know very similar to the police commission everybody bristles but but i just you know i will say i think that is important important part of this work and hopefully we can get back to that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:44 So thanks counselors for your time. Thank you for your work. Thank you. Kim. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:52 Mr. Director, of the RIB and just excuse me, what I did, and just a little bit, okay? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:52:58 Okay. So hi everyone. Can I have a maybe a few minutes. I would really like to thank anybody who helped us with our revitalization campaign and just invite books come in it's like something really nice over there we just had some hard installed and floors and everything so it's really it's kind of like a different place now I'm getting ready to install some computers that are gonna be available [Councilor Dieng] 17:53:00 Okay. Please. [Councilor Dieng] 17:53:23 Yeah. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:53:29 for public use, so we're really excited about that. Like Mark said, the blog part is coming up our after after school activities, we're trying to get. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:53:38 Like 25 youth enrolled all the way from 8 to 18 we have activities for really whatever age group. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:53:46 Yeah, so I didn't wanna mention that. I also wanted to thank you. I might have already thanked you but we got so much use out of those echo cards and the kids love that in our summer activities thing. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:01 They sent you some pictures or whatever but if I just really want to say in person like you're so grateful that and appreciate it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:07 Yeah, and we Lots of stuff going on sometimes when Mark rattles everything off. I'm like, who's doing all that work? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:15 So we are really busy. We're doing a lot of stuff and I just want to encourage people just come over even if you're just out with out and want to stop in. We wanna welcome people in there. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:26 So. Okay. I would just reclaim just a couple of minutes and say if it's okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:35 That. The. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:40 The work is happening over there. We've got got some work to do with NPAs. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:53 I'm chime in on 1, 8. I think maybe it was one, but I thought I thought they still did one. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:54:57 I'm sure it was at least one. Just this last week and I got they had some technical difficulties. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:55:04 But I think we probably could be doing a better job with collaborating with with the NPAs and standing up to Richard Kemp Center presence. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:55:15 In specifically I get a mixed up 2 3 i'm probably more now and, but one is where we reside and, you know, and I think we should probably just do the round robin because it's all in Burlington and beyond that we ought to be talking to so If there's a fast track that the counselors can think of that we might be able to get on to get [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:55:42 it across those MPAs. A little bit more timely and the mistake is ours because we just didn't any, we're in like 2 years. We're in 2 years now. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:55:54 And we never did, make those rounds. And I think it probably could have gone a long ways. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:01 To get some a collaborative and, and also I think a supportive. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:11 Position from folks across time on the work that we're doing. Cause you know, practicality. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:17 Is it all likelihood? There's a lot of folks who just don't know what that we're doing over there. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:22 And some might be kind of nervous about it. Especially the way the building looks. Speaking of which, We don't own the building, so. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:34 I think having those NPAs being involved is also really important because then they can understand things like a lot of the graffiti is on the side because we don't have anything to cover up and once you wind it up they're gonna put something else back on the building until we get something to cover it up, it's not a good idea or that gutters hanging down because we don't own the building and the [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:56:53 landlord won't respond. So things like that. Could you know because maybe we could get like code enforcement involved and things like that where we're not able to get the landlord moving on things and so forth not that you know we want to be out in this area but we do want to be effective when we don't want to create a community. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:57:11 A safety issue. If you know what I mean, if you got done as far enough buildings, it's not saying. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:57:15 So, so yeah, so if there's a way that the counselors. Might be able to consider that and if there's a way to you there's a way that you know through to see that we could get a fast track on NDAs to talk about the work of the rich Kim center as well as. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:57:39 You know, to have even have those black grant discussions as well because I don't know what the timelines on that are because but it seems like it might be a perfect candidate for that kind of activity. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:57:48 Particularly in light of the fact there's still a lot of up stuff to do on the building. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:57:53 So yeah, I appreciate some feedback. Thanks a lot for your time. [Councilor Dieng] 17:58:00 Thank you. Christine and Reverend Mark. And anybody from the community that would like to address the committee. [Councilor Dieng] 17:58:13 Hey, anybody online hearing once? Nice. So we close public forum at 5 58. [Melo Grant] 17:58:24 I know I'd be a little bit. Out of order but I like to think we're little flexible if I could just mention something. [Melo Grant] 17:58:34 To Mark. You can email. The war it's a wards 2 and 3 do a monthly meeting together and they do a fantastic. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:58:44 Yeah. [Melo Grant] 17:58:50 We do offense. I shouldn't say we because I don't always there by dessert. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:58:51 God, I've been here though. [Melo Grant] 17:58:55 They do that great community dinner. And even though not everyone stays for the MPA meeting, a lot of people, especially with families, come to that dinner. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:58:57 Yeah. [Melo Grant] 17:59:06 I think we can certainly email the Wards 2 and 3 NPA and I can forward you that contact information and ask to make a presentation, but it would also, the dinner starts usually around 5 30 and then the MPA starts at 6 30 but it's great to arrive early. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:59:15 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:59:22 5 30. [Melo Grant] 17:59:27 And if you have some handouts, you can put them on the tables. People can look at them while they're eating. [Melo Grant] 17:59:34 You can chat with people and then maybe ask to be able to make a presentation after the public forum. Process but to sooner you email the better because sometimes the schedules do get filled up. [Councilor Dieng] 17:59:36 Yeah. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 17:59:43 Okay. [Melo Grant] 17:59:52 But at the very minimum coming to the community dinner and handing out flyers and talking to people, I think would be a great way to promote the center. [Councilor Dieng] 17:59:56 Yeah. Sounds good. And I didn't wanna cut you off, man. And was just wondering if we can talk about many of the points. [Councilor Dieng] 18:00:05 That they raise here at the community forum, which is one agenda item where we all can discuss. Stuff and I think it will be it would be better. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:00:13 Presumably that is on the second Thursday of the month at 10 Allen Street. Correct. [Councilor Dieng] 18:00:23 21. Thank you. Yeah. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:00:26 21 Ellen Street. Okay. [Melo Grant] 18:00:27 Yeah, I think that's the address. It's the one community center. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:00:31 Community center. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Okay. Alright, thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:00:33 Wonderful. Alright, thank you. Yes. We officially now close public firm at 6 PM. [Councilor Dieng] 18:00:43 And, now the next agenda item, I believe, are updates from the racial equity inclusion and belonging department around to the task force. [Councilor Dieng] 18:00:51 Yeah [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:00:56 Thank you. It's been a minute since we've had opportunity to connect. I hope everybody had a Wonderful summer and all those great things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:01:05 There we are. So I think there was some questions about our reorganization hiring and the task force. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:01:12 So where we are currently in our hiring process is all of the positions have been posted is all of the positions have been posted and so we're actually actively going through our hiring process is all of the positions have been posted and so we're actually actively going through our hiring process for the 2 managers, the community engagement manager and the data policy manager. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:01:28 Was very interesting. We're working with HR. I'm working with scoring matrix and redesigning job postings and listings to make sure they're more equitable. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:01:38 If you pay attention to any or have seen any of our postings, instead of them being only if you have a master's degree or only if you have an advanced degree they go all the way back to having a high school diploma and certain years of experience and what we've tried to do there is really expand that to be more welcoming and more inclusive to people's experience in the work field. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:01:58 And if you don't have the capacity to go to college and get those degrees, you have an opportunity to go to college and get those degrees, you have an opportunity to engage in this work and engage in this work and engage in those wonderful opportunities and jobs of the city. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:10 So we're really working with HR to see how we can expand in those wonderful opportunities the jobs of the city. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:12 So we're really working with HR to see how we can expand that into other departments and right now we have 4 other positions out there. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:15 Those are the program managers in the areas of economy, community belonging, and program manager. The social and human development program manager and health and health program manager. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:27 Those we took and spent quite a bit of our kind of recruiting dollars to make sure that we put these in a lot of different places to really expand the recruiting opportunities to make sure we're really getting a good field of candidates. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:41 So you're going to see it in 7 day. I mean, any place we can get it, but it's there. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:46 So hopefully as we continue that process, we've seen so far we've had a really good candidate poll. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:02:54 We are currently in the active interview process again for the manager level positions because we want them to have kind of agency and say and who will be underneath those teams and so they'll be a part of that process begin on board and we're shooting for early December to have our team at least identified depending on people having to give their notice. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:03:14 Getting everybody on board will be a little difficult this time, but we're really hoping to have everybody on board by the end of the year. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:03:20 So does anyone have any questions? About the hiring process or anything in regards to that? Did you go out of state at all? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:03:27 Yeah, both in state and upstate. You said a community, economy, program manager, community and belonging program manager, community and belonging program manager, community and belonging program manager, social human development program manager, social and human development program manager, and then a health program. [Councilor Dieng] 18:03:46 And I wanted to respectfully ask those who are in person to maybe allow the counselors to ask questions and then you will open it to the public. [Councilor Dieng] 18:03:56 I really don't mind. I was wondering. Councillor Grant or Travels. [Councilor Dieng] 18:04:05 Questions or Oh! [Melo Grant] 18:04:07 No questions here. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:04:15 Councillor Traverse, yeah. [Ben Traverse] 18:04:18 No thank you. I appreciate the update. [Councilor Dieng] 18:04:21 Hello. Alright. So yes, thank you so much. I think it's, it's, it's, it's great. [Councilor Dieng] 18:04:29 It's a great update that the positions are there. But my first questions are when were they positive and also how many people applied for each one of them so far? [Councilor Dieng] 18:04:38 Yeah. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:04:38 They were posted at the beginning of August and right now with the 2 managers positions we had with the first major position the community belonging communication manager roughly about 38 we did do a scoring matrix so not everyone necessarily qualified those 38 but those were 38 people that apply. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:04:58 One of the biggest things being able are having history managing people. And then on the. Policy and data position. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:08 I think it was like 2025 25 yeah so 25 that applied for that it's a bit of a struggle in those spaces because you get a lot of PhD in those spaces because you get a lot of PhD candidates that haven't had supervisual experiences that haven't had supervisual experiences. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:20 And so we've also set aside money that if these don't come to fruition, and so we've also set aside money that if these don't come to fruition that if these don't come to fruition that we'll do some head hunting and some things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:27 It is very critical that with these 2 leadership positions and where we are with the department that will do some head hunting and some things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:34 It is very critical that with these 2 leadership positions and where we are with the department that we put all of our efforts and resources to make sure we create a solid team. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:35 The lower level positions which are the program managers, the one that will be out in the community and then working with individual apartments. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:43 Those are more of what we're looking for people that are here and understand the community and know community had a greater level and so those are out now those were I think were 10 days in 1015 days into those postings and they'll be open for another 2 weeks. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:05:57 10 to 15 days into those postings and they'll be open for another 2 weeks. And then what we've done is we can continue to evaluate it and repost and then what we've done is we can continue to evaluate it and repost and repost as we're going through. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:10 We can continue to evaluate it and repost and repost and repost as we're going through. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:13 But it's very important that we allocate specific dollars towards this process and repost as we're going through. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:15 But it's very important that we allocate specific dollars towards this process and didn't jobs specific and subject matter spaces for recruitment. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:16 And so HR is being a very good partner with that and making sure that we have a very robust recruitment efforts with this. [Councilor Dieng] 18:06:23 Thanks. Yeah, I am so glad to hear the partnership with HR and. Was also wondering, you know, if for example 10 weeks you don't find the record candidate, are you open to maybe without the supervision, but to be able to do the work. [Councilor Dieng] 18:06:41 Is it, is it in the work? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:43 Absolutely, everything's on the table right now. And so I've been in constant contact with the mayor's office and with HR and so we are really working on making sure that we fill that gap so that we're not going to extend the amount of time. [Councilor Dieng] 18:06:46 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:06:58 It took a very long time for us to get the reort of and then we had to wait for kind of the summer process and all that things have happened and so we're really this is our complete focus right now. [Councilor Dieng] 18:07:06 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:07:07 I know many people in the community sometimes get a little frustrated but It's kind of irresponsible to try to do efforts when you don't have the support there because we want to make sure that people can respond to the community. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:07:19 And so we've kind of put a pause on quite a few things so that we can get our team up and running. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:07:23 Because that's the most important thing is to make sure that we can be consistent for communities. [Councilor Dieng] 18:07:27 Excellent. Wonderful. And congratulations for putting them on like online and also I really really do appreciate. [Councilor Dieng] 18:07:37 The requirements, you know, from PhD, you know, master degrees to basically high school and each one of them, how it was laid out. [Councilor Dieng] 18:07:44 It's spent some time on it like this before the meeting. And I believe that's a way to go. [Councilor Dieng] 18:07:50 Thank you. Yeah. Yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:07:53 And I just wanted to add part of that is we actually did meet with quite a few people from the new American community and one of the things that we talked about was that a lot of times when we're coming from places that are not Europe. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:06 That we're not respecting. People's education, maybe the university doesn't exist or you're not aware of it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:13 And we want to make sure that people can translate their experience. And be able to demonstrate. What they're doing and they get credit for that just like you went to school. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:22 Sometimes going to school doesn't. Determine whether or not you'd be able to practice the thing. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:29 And so we wanna make sure that we're looking at people's actual skill to be able to deliver for the community. [Councilor Dieng] 18:08:34 Okay, that's it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Anything else, or? [Councilor Dieng] 18:08:40 Okay, I think we can open it to the public. Anybody? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:43 Did you want me to go over the task force or did you just want to do you mean faced with the other items that you have, which were the task force updates before we opened up or did you want to kind of go back and forth? [Councilor Dieng] 18:08:52 Yep. Just the hiring. We wanted to give people who are there the opportunity to weigh in if they have ideas, they more than welcome to bring them up. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:08:54 I'm okay with that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:03 Thanks. Have you, have you started the actual interview process? Are you just looking at the, the applications right now? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:12 We are in the middle of one of the manager's interview process and we interviewed several candidates and then One candidate there, we have some others that have appointments and then we are going to the scoring process and then we did we did 3 tiers so I can explain that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:30 So what we did was we did a evaluation process where they were scored based off of the skill set and the criteria with the cover letter and the The resumes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:41 I didn't touch that. That was my team. And then it went through a next phase where HR and a member of my team did, Zoom interviews. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:48 And then the next piece is the final 2 candidates come in and be with me and a team of leadership to ask ongoing questions. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:09:57 The one that allows for is not for us to weigh too heavy on one thing. And so it gives me the opportunity to look at the resume and see, okay, they at least met the minimum requirements, but then we want to take those that scored high and meet with them. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:11 And so we met with them answer questions and then from there we moved the other people on. So it's not just basic scoring, it's also kind of engaging with the team and think of that way. Thank you. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:20 Just follow it up. My concern, is that, the city often hires. Folks, especially folks who come in from outside. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:33 You know, for example, I, but, but they're, they do it in a very insulated way. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:43 And and what I mean by that is you as well as you. And, and what I mean by that is, insulated way. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:50 And, and what I mean by that is, you as well as your predecessor and in another position that have been filled. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:10:52 Here in the city. There's, he has very skillfully. Kind of figure out a way to, do, so in a way where this person is really not. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:11:07 Realizing or appreciating. The true fabric of what what it is you're operating within and I don't want to be critical but I want to be. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:11:17 I would be candid. I know that Sometimes there is a panel that put together of community numbers. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:11:28 To review. You know especially key positions i think it might be wise to consider that in the process just as a suggestion, community number suggestion. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:11:46 Particularly the the person that's going to be most engaged with the community. I think you have a community engagement manager or something like that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:11:56 Or. Communication. Probably, I don't know, but it just seems to me that, that I know may draw your process out. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:12:05 And may not seem like something. That you feel like you might want to do. But from the outside. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:12:16 Looking in, I strongly recommended. And I think it would be helpful for. Community members. Perhaps you can, you know, community leaders, organization leaders, folks. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:12:29 Folks like, like, like, folks like, so many others like the lease and, New, I can think of other names I can, but I think it also would be helpful. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:12:46 For the new person coming in to be comfortable with those personalities and also some of the real issues. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:12:55 You know, that, yeah, with the previous pause, they're having it in community so, folks. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:01 You know, fair opportunity. To, to contemplate. When they're really actually taken off. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:12 Thanks. [Councilor Dieng] 18:13:16 Thank you. Yeah, thank you very much. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:18 I'm sorry, I didn't, if I could just, that would just say I think that would also, help us on retention. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:26 As well because I'm not, I'm not merely as concerned about whether a person comes here as I am about whether they'll stay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:36 Thank you. Thank you, Right. So there were 2 questions about in regarding to our task force. [Councilor Dieng] 18:13:39 Right. Yes. Thank you. Yes, so maybe we can move to the next update. [Councilor Dieng] 18:13:46 . Yeah [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:13:52 One would be the. The, the reparation task force, the other is originally it was the youth gun violence, it turned to youth violence and now we've landed on youth public safety task force. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:14:06 I'll start with that one. I think what's most important with that is it's actually coming from the community that requested the information and also based off data and need of what we're looking for. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:14:17 One of the things I know Many committees and many groups are a little frustrated that there's not a report. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:14:24 What I would lean into is what we're doing right now is actually getting the data, really looking into what's going on and getting those community voices and making sure that we're engaging. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:14:34 Full community with this and all of its partners to make sure that we understand the problem at a level that's not being reactionary, but we're taking the time and the energy to figure out what that looks like. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:14:47 I think that originally when this task force came to be, there were some gun violence incidents. And so because of that, There was a need to maybe start a committee around that or a task force. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:15:01 There was also simultaneously some work being done in other community agencies like Phoenix and some other places where they were doing some deep dive into what that looked like as well as we were asking and getting information specifically from the police department that outline exactly specifically what these crimes were and what the trends were. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:15:20 And what we're finding when we're talking to our community partners, one is trying to get everybody in the room so we can get all the voices. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:15:27 It's been a little bit difficult. So we want to take the time to make sure that we respect our community targets times in all of the places where they are and all the places they're asking to be that we don't rush this process. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:15:37 2, the data is not showing that we have what I would call a gun violence problem or a violence problem with our youth, but we do have some safety issues that we need to address and make and and they're 2 fold right they're not just youth perpetrating the, but things that are being done to use that we need that are informing one another. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:15:57 And so we want to make sure that we're looking at the full breath of the issue and that when we do put our report out later this year, that is considering all those things and then have action steps. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:16:09 So that's kinda where we are with that. So sitting a lot. But not a lot is we're moving, but I caution people. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:16:18 To not force a sense of urgency with this where it's not necessary because we can act and deal with the things that are happening in real time and still do the work that we need to do to be comprehensive with this task force, right? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:16:33 So we have the means. To work with our community partners to address anything that are popping up, but we need to be more comprehensive with this task work to make sure. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:16:41 We are not unfairly targeting black and brown youth. Bye, labeling them in a way that is not appropriate. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:16:50 And so that's a really big thing for me is that if the data does not support the filling, then we cannot call it that or move it that direction. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:17:00 And I would say currently the data doesn't support that we would need a task force solely for gun violence or youth violence. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:17:07 That we do need to look at youth public safety issues and that's more appropriate way to spend our time. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:17:13 So I'll stop there and give the council and the public some time to ask questions. [Councilor Dieng] 18:17:21 Yep, the floor is yours, [Councilor Dieng] 18:17:28 Okay. [Melo Grant] 18:17:28 Thank you for that. Information as a police commissioner. I had a great deal of. Frustration with regards to how some of the youth in our community were being portrayed. [Melo Grant] 18:17:46 At the time. [Melo Grant] 18:17:52 Yeah, gunfire is scary, right? It's very, very scary. And we live in an area where it's not. [Melo Grant] 18:18:00 Common. So when the average number of incidents increased. There was a lot of panic and fear in the community. [Melo Grant] 18:18:11 Even though the numbers were actually small. This is not in any way. Disregarding people who were hurt or killed were affected by this. [Melo Grant] 18:18:23 But the rhetoric. That's surrounded. These incidents with regards to our youth. Was very alarming to me. [Melo Grant] 18:18:35 And we were already in a situation. Where, certainly in the central district. There was over policing of black youth in particular and new American youth. [Melo Grant] 18:18:51 So I'm very happy to hear. How this is being looked at and how We are. [Melo Grant] 18:19:00 You know, updating the narrative and addressing what is actually true. Data is very important. And sometimes it's hidden or misused. [Melo Grant] 18:19:12 So, I am really grateful for this update. And look forward to hearing more information. [Melo Grant] 18:19:20 Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:19:29 Travis. [Ben Traverse] 18:19:35 Sorry, finding the unmute button there. You know, Councillor JANG, I know that. [Ben Traverse] 18:19:41 This wasn't a matter if I'm not mistaken that. Was important to you and wanted to get started and so i appreciate the update and echo some of the counselor grants comments there, but we appreciate hearing from from you on it as well. [Ben Traverse] 18:19:58 And your involvement on it in the past and today. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:04 Wonderful. Thank you for the update and you know, I do think That's sometimes. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:12 I'm saying this in a very very respectful manner too. you know, that the data does not support that there is gun violence increase in the city. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:24 I don't know. I don't know what data is that we talking about, but there were significant gun violence issues. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:32 In 2022 and 2023. Wellington has never recorded. Those issues of compliance and you are correct. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:39 Yeah, they are not all, people of color, but most of them are used. Right. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:46 And we also know that this never happened in the city of but there were also youth. From both. The new American community and also black people who have been victimized. [Councilor Dieng] 18:20:57 Or were the perpetrator of using to other people. I think that data is very clear. If you do a simple Google search. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:07 In Burlington, gun violence incident or even the task force been violence. You will see exactly The Mayors Press release. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:16 What are the exact bullet points that he wanted to be addressed? Right? And I think maybe it will be very important to Go back to that and also try to see what is possible and what's not possible. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:32 And from my perspective, I also understand that yes, there are reorganization, there is also lack of staffing. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:40 But at the same time, I believe that we could have at least formed the group and we know at least who is who is in it. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:48 As members of the community. If people ask me, I will simply say, I don't know yet. [Councilor Dieng] 18:21:54 I don't know yet. From my perspective, there is this sense of urgency, a little bit, so that people understand that this work is on the go is but it seems we're still talking about collecting data or chanding the framework of what we all shared in the community. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:13 And I also at the same time kind of understand. Yes, I just wanted to say that. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:20 I mean, there is a sense of urgency and I think since you know, these press policies were shared and with the media picked it up. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:30 From my perspective, there has not been a substantial amount of progress. And I believe that the community would not to see that. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:38 Right. And you know, very respectful, please, please, please know. I also know that the, the, the, on new American advisory council. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:48 It was very specific. The request, the proposal was very specific to the city. About looking into gun violence amongst the new American communities. [Councilor Dieng] 18:22:59 And they provided a progress report. And from that program, they've been working with many entities such as the state. [Councilor Dieng] 18:23:06 DCF. You know, the medical examina And, you know, the, the, there are many organization of go listening session, for example, the 20 s. [Councilor Dieng] 18:23:18 As part of that, there is an event at the, Somali Bampo Association as part of gun violence and this is about health. [Councilor Dieng] 18:23:26 Right? There's also other components specific to children in state custom. Because most of these kids that were killed. [Councilor Dieng] 18:23:34 What we found out, most of them. Went through the state custody system. And parents during those listening session made it clear that this is a fundamental problem as to why we're not taking. [Councilor Dieng] 18:23:46 Cultural beliefs as part of this systematic you know, of raising children in the state of So I believe what Peanut proposed and also what we encountered. [Councilor Dieng] 18:24:00 Doing this work is it was a big left. But people are making substantial amount of progress. And it seems you your office reach out to have an update about that. [Councilor Dieng] 18:24:12 And I believe. It's would be our meeting in November. I don't know. [Councilor Dieng] 18:24:18 I don't know. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:24:19 So we're waiting for, the report back from VNAC that scheduled to come by October first and then we got a kind of a preliminary kind of update, but we didn't get the final report. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:24:33 And so that's not scheduled to come until September of 2023, which could be to the end of the month and then. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:24:39 Then have them come present their information. I do want to kind of follow up if you don't mind on a couple of things. [Councilor Dieng] 18:24:44 Yes, yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:24:46 So there is a difference between actual gun violence and what's been reported. And I think what's key with that is if you look at the data and you can request it from the police department yourself. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:24:55 It's actually not used. There were a couple incidents. So we first we needed to find what we're talking about as huge. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:03 So here in the state of Vermont we're talking about up to 22. If you look at the gun violent incidents all the way from 2012 to now which is being captured. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:10 It is. Now, and again, I want to say not to in a, minimize the individual cases, but to talk about something being a pattern that we need to have a task force level response. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:21 It is not there. There can be a heavy. Heavy consequence to laying too much priority on gun violence from black and brown kids when the problem is not black and brown or even by pop people or even children for that matter. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:38 The significant number of gun violence incidents as defined by the police chief. Which I still like a further definition on that are not black and brown youths. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:49 And so what's important is that they're not perpetrating them, then we don't need to put a tax force level on that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:25:55 We may need to look at What is the precursors? How do we prevent this? All of those kind of things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:03 And that's the work that we're doing. That's more exhaustive work. There may be individual incidents that we can address that is fine. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:09 What we learned from the war on crime and the war on drugs is when you make a knee jerk reaction to something and you let your efforts be led by the media. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:19 Or police alone, we have problems because they're looking at incidents. Not even things that are legal sufficient charges. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:28 Or what happened with the disposition of the case. So we do have, we know the few, but we're talking about. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:34 Probably less than I know for fact less than 10 cases, right? Over a several year period. That may feel uncomfortable. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:44 But naming that as a black. And brown youth gun issue in Burlington and taking ownership of that is very problematic. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:26:55 When that is not who is committing gun violence in Burlington and or in the state for that matter. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:01 So we really need to be careful about how what we create as a narrative. Around this. When we open it up and say we're talking about You know, youth and just community safety, we can address that as well as some of the other things that are preventative and interventions and as we talk about this but we really need to be laser-focused on the who and the scope of work that we do not [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:27 unintentionally disenfranchise black and brown youth and further target them in the criminal justice system by how we tell the story. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:33 Because of our discomfort or because of the way it feels. We really need to make sure we have the data to support that it's an ongoing issue or that it's a Generational issue and the data does not support that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:49 When we have a crime, we investigate it. We close it and it stops what's going on. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:53 We don't have ongoing. We've had 8 gun violence issued as divided by the police chief. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:27:59 None of them have been used in 2023. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:28:02 And so we need to make sure that, yes, we look into that both and. We are looking into what is creating not the school to prison pipeline but what you what Veneck is talking about the crypto prison pipelines how we're impacting children and family by how they go into social services for a very young age and how that works. [Councilor Dieng] 18:28:02 That's okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:28:22 Those are bigger systemic questions that we are, we will be of address with this task force that in the past we haven't paused to make sure we're identifying the correctly to make sure we are not creating further disparities and systemic issues by looking at what the media is saying about black and brown children. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:28:41 Or the police department is saying about black and brown children. We need all of our partners at the table to talk about what that looks like. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:28:49 And so you were asking me about partners. Be back as a partner. Burlington School District, Burlington Police Department, CJC, Kemp Center. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:28:57 King Street, Center, Boys and Girls Club, and AALV is who's at the table right now. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:29:04 And we're actually, and then other city departments like we're looking at business development is at the table. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:29:11 All these different people. And so because of the summer months, we've had a hard time getting people there because they were actually serving kids. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:29:18 And so we want to be respectful of our community partners. To make sure that we are hearing their voices and hearing their voices comprehensively and we're addressing all of the community safety issues that our youth are facing. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:29:32 Not only black and brown, but all youth, and to make sure that we're identifying it correctly. [Councilor Dieng] 18:29:38 I mean, yes, and I think if the media portrayed, you know, the police differently, that's exactly what's in the community. [Councilor Dieng] 18:29:45 That's what you see. And also I think that's what actually also led. The mayor to make to bring this task force in and it seems because of data now we record the office is recognizing. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:29:55 Good [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:00 That's the focus should not be that the focus should be something else, right? And I believe that also the fact that the summer issue is in bringing the partners together is an issue. [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:12 It can be understood as well, right? But from my perspective, at least, like at this point of time, we should have at least have this task for and we know exactly. [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:25 These are the organization. Personally, when I ask for an update, that's I just need like this is where we were. [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:32 This is where we are and this is what's next what's going. But what I'm hearing so far is all that. [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:38 We identify potential partners, but have they come together? And if they did, how many times so far, or if they haven't done it, or so why? [Councilor Dieng] 18:30:46 Right? Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:30:47 So yes, we've had. Those are the partners we identified. 3, sorry, there's some feedback, 3 separate meetings. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:30:56 The most recent one was just 2 weeks ago. We'll have a follow-up meeting what we were asked by our community partners were to pull more data and get more information so that we could pull more data and get more information so that we could be more important and then also to make sure that we do our due diligence in bringing and making sure we're comprehensive about who's at the table. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:31:15 So we're not just have one group. We want to make sure that we have roads in school there. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:31:19 We wanted to make sure that we had everybody represented that was targeted in. News articles by the PD, all these different things because the most important thing is to make sure that we appropriately understand the scope of the issue or issues. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:31:34 And the proper people are there to remediate those and to support our youth both preventatively. And when it comes to possible interventions or accountability that we're doing both. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:31:48 And I think it was heavily was how are we going to intervene. Not the work that is necessary to make sure they never get into the system. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:31:53 And so that's a really important part of this work. [Councilor Dieng] 18:31:59 Wonderful. Alright, no for the question maybe also to just address one thing and I do believe that if it wasn't clear on the proposal from I think the report. [Councilor Dieng] 18:32:11 Would be like in December sometime in December. Yeah, but they very close and I believe that the draft study. [Councilor Dieng] 18:32:18 But Sandine will talk about it more. In 2 months. Yes, Councillor Grant, sorry. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:32:24 Thank you. [Melo Grant] 18:32:27 No, that's okay. So, Director Carson, thank you very much for those points. [Melo Grant] 18:32:33 They're very important and you just took care of a lot of what I wanted to say. I respectfully disagree with some of the things that Councillor JANG just said because This was a very difficult period. [Melo Grant] 18:32:50 When you have years where there's 0 or 2 gunfire incidents and then suddenly you jump to 12 or you jump to 20. [Melo Grant] 18:33:05 There is There's panic because once again gunfire is scary not to diminish the harm that was caused. [Melo Grant] 18:33:17 I wanna make that very clear. Certain things are blown out of proportion. We had that unfortunate incident. [Melo Grant] 18:33:26 Where we had affinity groups affinity groups are doing crimes and the footage included. Young black kids scattering. [Melo Grant] 18:33:39 It was very harmful to the youth in our community. It served to create a certain hysteria. [Melo Grant] 18:33:48 That was not healthy or warranted. [Melo Grant] 18:33:52 And a detracted from the fact that Our drug crisis was getting out of control. So I appreciate the thorough look of the data. [Melo Grant] 18:34:06 The understanding that this. Isn't a black youth. No problem. And I will just just say the points that, Director Carson just made are really, really important because part of what we have to do is is really Keep our eye on how we are being represented. [Melo Grant] 18:34:34 You know, if you have a youth who gets into trouble and, and they have their picture on a press release in include all of the prime steps for the city of Burlington. [Melo Grant] 18:34:47 That's misleading and that causes harm in the community. That makes youth feel targeted. Because they are being targeted. [Melo Grant] 18:34:54 So, these points are very, very important and we have to really, Keep a view and just be. [Melo Grant] 18:35:08 Mindful of how that is used. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:35:12 Okay. Thank you. Yes, yes, yes, please. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:35:14 Mr. Chairman, can I say something on this? I have to leave now. I wish I could, I'm so terribly sorry that I'm Not gonna be able to stick around for the remainder of this conversation. [Councilor Dieng] 18:35:20 Go ahead. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:35:29 But I will. Just offer a public forum. Suggestions that we will host. And we will invite all of the aforementioned, stakeholders. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:35:44 And others. This is a this is a bifurcating. Discussion from the black community because I'm hearing of things that, in the refugee resettlement in the immigrant community or the immigrant community or the quote unquote new American community is doing. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:06 On this, that, and also very strong position. Yeah. At the end of the day, the outcome of it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:16 Well, in fact, everybody that looks like them. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:20 To include myself despite the fact that I don't agree with that position. And I don't think. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:28 That fact is. Should be taken adversarially, but it should be taken. With sobriety. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:37 In terms of the gravity. Of the issue that we're dealing with. When you think about the conversations that I'm engaging with right now with Chris Winters. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:36:50 At DCF or Rachel Eden at DCF. Or Sure Wilcox at mental health or Mark Levine at health department or the list goes on across all of these agencies as well as the creation of our iteration of critical messages here. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:37:13 In the city. In all the work that we're doing in prevention and mental health. In terms of, showing up with the mental health initiative. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:37:24 And really, squarely focusing on, prevention and intervention, particularly, you know, with our research. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:37:32 That tells us that black children were 60% more likely to be removed from homes by PCF and 40% more likely to move to be moved into foster care and the list goes on and on and on. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:37:45 I'm seriously concerned that your organization, the VA, the VNAC organization, part of me for seeing your organization. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:37:53 I really didn't need it that way, but the V backs organization. And the work that the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance and the Richard Kim Center are doing should be in close coordination and we should be sharing our backs as well as our reports. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:38:09 So we can also come to a shared conclusion. So we can be more impactful. And I would just conclude just by simply saying that. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:38:19 The. The alleged public safety narrative. As it, as it plays out in, white liberal progressive communities to protect white property. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:38:32 And white people and make them feel safe. In the counterbalance mean black folks being unsafe is the conversation that is old is today as long. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:38:44 And it's the exact conversation that we were having in 2020 when we were suggesting that we've got from this failed system and reinvest into black communities in in Burlington. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:38:56 Specifically the cultural empowerment center itself, which would come become the Richard Kemp Center. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:02 And the narrative, from the mayor, the police chief and the press, they've been all the same narrative for the last 3 years. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:10 And the only reason there hasn't been a counter narrative is that we've refused to get off our square because we've had work to do. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:16 But largely, it has been mostly nonsense, in terms of the fact that we were somehow so unsafe in the safest one of the safest cities in continental United States. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:28 So I would love to engage in more conversation constructively. On this and I think it's incredibly important that we do so together. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:39 And not in separate lanes, such as the state of American community having one narrative in the African American community having another because at the end of the day when the bullet comes from a police officers gun in it is headed towards a black person. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:57 It doesn't care what language you're speaking. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:39:59 So thank you for your time today. I gotta build and teach a Sunday school class. Sunday school. But, thanks for the time. [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:00 Yes. [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:12 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:40:18 I really, it's good to be in this space with you finally. Good to be in this space with you finally and I will do more of that. Christine is going to stay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:40:23 She may have more to say about some of the initiatives that are currently in this space with you finally and I will do more of that. Christine is going to stay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:40:28 She may have more to say about Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:28 Thank you. Yep. Anybody else that would like to talk about this? [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:36 Okay, wonderful. Getting one twice, okay. So it seems that we can close that update. [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:45 Youth violence tax force, I believe that's what it's called. And. [Councilor Dieng] 18:40:53 Was just wondering and this is for both director and the people involved in the. Reparation task force. [Councilor Dieng] 18:41:03 If there has been some developments on that as well. Sorry. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:41:07 Yeah, it's all day true on that. Where we are now is reconvening and making sure that we always have a quorum with our and making sure we have the proper people in place and then we received a request from the committee. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:41:19 For some information and data before we move forward and that's where we are. It was a kind of exhaustive list and so we're working on getting all those things to the committee because they request that they would provide all that before move forward. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:41:32 The work was somewhat. Stymied a bit, because it in a different direction more about housing and some things that I don't know if we can get where we want to go looking in that direction and so really getting and looking at some subject matter experts and then working with the reparation task force to get our work back on track. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:41:56 So once we provide the requests that they ask us for documents and things that make sure that we can provide them will move forward. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:03 But some of it we lost some task force members in order to have a quorum, we needed to make sure that we had the public part available. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:10 And so we're working on that. That piece of it. I think something to be noted about both of these task force are is these things happened at a time that we were dealing with social unrest and COVID. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:22 And so in a whole department reorganization and leaving and coming and interim and so I think also with a very new department that's only currently right now 3 years old. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:35 And so I want to make sure that we take that pause and understand what is reasonable. And what makes sense to make sure that we're being effective with this work. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:43 And I think the key is understanding. How the lens in which we look at this work, which is racism as a public health crisis or emergency, which requires the same response that we are looking at opiates. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:42:56 Response as a crisis and a health crisis that it's a harm requires a harm reduction model. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:02 And because of that, we have to take a different approach and that is not a long order. That is not reactionary. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:12 It's really taken a map, a medical or a public health approach, which is one that is data informed and outcome driven. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:22 And so it requires that we actually give black and brown people the respect they deserve and that's kind. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:27 And that's time to investigate and really do an analysis of what's going on and not be knee-jerk in our responses and make sure that whatever we decide to do does not create harm. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:41 And when you declare at a state level. And a city level that are focused on racism and anything that has to do with that is do a public health model. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:43:49 We have to first start with harm reduction. And I think part of the issue is sometimes we negate that and we want to react without thinking about the unintended consequences and that's really something we need to think about when we're addressing issues for black and brown communities as well as the historically marginalized and disenfranchised that we don't. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:09 Repeat past patterns that then create harm. Same with the reparation task force. We need to make sure that we're doing things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:18 At a level of PhD that these are people's dissertations that we can't even get with. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:23 Lots and lots of resources that we make sure. That when we do this it's well studied. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:29 And protect it because there are actions happening right now in the Supreme Court and other spaces that are actually trying to under this work that will impact it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:37 So we need to be legally typed. And socially tight. As we move forward. So I just wanted to say that because I want to make sure we understand that as we move forward, there are entities outside of the state of Vermont and the city of Burlington that are actively trying to undo this work in a way. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:44:54 That if we are not systemically looking at this and really putting a hundred percent behind this, they could all be for not. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:04 And so I just want to say that we're looking at this. I know there's a sense of urgency to move these things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:11 But these are things that have a legacy of a long time that are going to take time. And resources to address. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:19 And so I just wanted to put that to say that that we make sure that we're not rushing processes because it feels uncomfortable. [Councilor Dieng] 18:45:27 Thank you. Let me, members. [Councilor Dieng] 18:45:35 Questions, comments. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:39 You know how a community member, well I am of the task force. Christine is a member of the task force if you had any questions partner. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:48 Well and I mean I guess I would just offer again I've said it a number of times that I'm really interested in some kind of community. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:45:59 You know, another one, cause we just talk about another one, you know, another one, because we just talk about another one, because we just talk about another one, cause we just talk about another one, but that's the future camp center. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:46:02 You know, I see what you're saying, that has been painfully slow. I understand why a lot of that has happened, but I also think that it's just something that the community. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:46:16 You know, has a right to know even where we are, you know, we don't want to have a community form and say, here's all the reasons why we haven't made more progress. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:46:26 But we want to at least give folks an opportunity to even know that it exists. So I would just throw that out there that we could talk more about like when the time is right to. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:46:37 Potentially do a forum at the [Councilor Dieng] 18:46:43 Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:46:50 Questions? Com. Thanks. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:46:55 Regarding heart reduction systems at home, that's something that I've been looking at. Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:47:06 Things like save consumption sites which I from what I understand in there is, supportive but is something that would have to be a statewide policy. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:47:17 Economically just there's no There's no way to justify any other solution. To focus on our production systems. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:47:28 And the study of the work has, He's all in place. RAM studies going back to the nineties. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:47:40 And, Basically, the application is that's. It's already tried it and very successful. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:47:50 In other countries. Good. The NIH, the NIH, the National Institutes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:00 I mean, the list is is. Is because he And it's amazing that we're still so behind in that conversation. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:12 And. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:14 Just regarding the consumption sites, just seeing what. What we're seeing on the street now and what I. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:21 What I've seen is as far as safe. Offering somebody a place where they can, where they, where they can manage their pain. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:33 It has. Just seeing those places actually. Happening, helping those places exist. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:44 I mean, of course, not Definitely. By the city. It's a game changer. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:48:57 Or somebody in there and their use. There he is. Yeah. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:49:07 Thank you. Yes. [Melo Grant] 18:49:08 Hi. It can just do a quick follow up. I'm sorry, and who was just speaking? [Melo Grant] 18:49:14 I, you're very tiny on my screen. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:49:16 Sorry. [Melo Grant] 18:49:18 Thank you. I would suggest that for the public safety committee meeting from August seventeenth you may want to listen to that. [Melo Grant] 18:49:30 And then the public safety committee is is working on these things the governor last year vetoed i don't want to veer off too much from the RAIB committee but the public safety committee is discussing these things and we do need to get the governor on point because he vetoed the legislation that was passed. [Melo Grant] 18:49:57 For safe injection sites and there are issues with getting moneys released with regards to the opioid crisis. [Melo Grant] 18:50:07 So I would recommend that you follow the public safety committee to to be current on that and, we, have a meeting Thursday evening. [Melo Grant] 18:50:17 Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:50:18 Wonderful. Thank you. Okay. Yes, so about the reparation task force, I was just wondering, what positions are missing? [Councilor Dieng] 18:50:30 And also who should be appointing those who should. Because I remember correctly the concert president has to appoint the mayor has to appoint the ARIAB director is part of it but I was just wondering who are the missing members and who should appoint them. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:50:50 There's one missing member and I believe it is. Human Rights Commission and so we've been following up with them to see who they would like it because it can be them or their designate who they would like it because it could be them or their designee and so we just need to know who they would like it because it could be them or they're a designee and so we just need to know who they would like to fill in to [Councilor Dieng] 18:51:06 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:51:06 there. And once we get a response from there, we can move forward. And so we have all the other pieces in place and now we're actually doing kind of following up on the research. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:51:16 Of what has happened and what money was spend all these different things. So there's some outstanding issues that had to be addressed. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:51:25 And kind of the transition of director and those kind of things that we're trying to address to make sure there's no gaps in the world. [Councilor Dieng] 18:51:30 Okay. Yeah. Yeah, thank you. And, you know, I don't know committee members or, you know, public, if you know anybody from the Human Rights Commission. [Councilor Dieng] 18:51:41 I don't know if it's way, while we're still in there, but I know. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:51:46 Is, I don't think so. So there's been quite a bit of movement, so we're working on figuring out the. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:52:01 But I think it's also impaired to understand we're throwing out names of people that don't have depth in the work and so it's very important that to move this work that is also representative of black citizens of slavery and that we're not just putting anyone that happens to be a person of color on that committee because You really have to understand the historical understanding of what is going on as well as the work that's [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:52:20 going on nationally. So I think in a state where you don't have access to that, it makes it a little bit more difficult. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:52:26 So we're really working on trying to find those subject matter experts that we can tether. So I've been working with Champlain College and UVM to make sure that we have people that have the level of expertise. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:52:38 That are being added to that so the work doesn't get stymied. What we were running into and all in on christen a little bit is people's discomfort with not having the expertise so they don't want to They don't wanna speak up or move the word because they're they're cautious or worried that They should have been in that position and so we want to make sure that the people are [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:53:01 comfortable, they have the Does subject matter experts teeth so we can actually move forward. [Councilor Dieng] 18:53:07 Yep, and you know, since if for example, I just as a reminder, this was not an executive. [Councilor Dieng] 18:53:13 Mandate from the mayor. It wasn't an initiative from any department, but this was a city council resolution. [Councilor Dieng] 18:53:21 It's very specific. Requests and if there are maybe changes people want to see maybe 2 2 requests it like officially. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:53:29 Yes. [Councilor Dieng] 18:53:29 We wanna change this position into another position and we make that happen. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:53:34 That's what we're working on now with legal. That's exactly what we're working on now. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:53:38 Yes, you're absolutely right, Katherine Jane. We're working with legal to make sure that the document that was written and if there is something that we need to move it maneuver to be able to open up to bring more people to the table or whatever we need to do, we're able to do that because it is kind of finite that this person. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:53:53 Or this group can put this person in this and this and this and so what's happening is when people leave or move it's hard to replace and so yes we are currently working with our legal team to make sure that we have all those things, so we can present that to the council. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:08 Okay, wonderful. And I'm just scared like, you know. Worrying whether people who because this was going in 1 point and it 1 point there was some changes some people moved out of this state. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:20 And then we brought it back, new people. And now it seems we still in that in that limbo. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:26 And I'm just, I'm guess. Out of question. That other people may also lose the momentum. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:33 Okay. And what would we do to address that? Basically. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:54:38 Thank you. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:40 Okay. Alright. Wonderful. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:45 And now I think we can officially close this item if we have other questions. Or know about the [Councilor Dieng] 18:54:55 Okay, wonderful. Thank you and I think we can close this item and we will open now public community forum and this is something really specific. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:06 To any subject that we want to discuss. With the people that are in front of us here today. But, and was just wondering if anybody has something to say. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:18 In community. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:26 Yep. So I mean, what I wanna say is basically Christine and Mark, you really thank you so much. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:34 And I see substantial. Trying to build the relationship with the department. I really do appreciate it. And also building alignment with your events. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:45 You know, requesting, I think this, this is great. And what Mark Shu said earlier. [Councilor Dieng] 18:55:50 Very specific to supporting the department and supporting the director of the department. I think it is much, much, much, much needed, especially right now. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:00 Right. And I wanna thank you for that. I did attend. The landing day I came in the beginning but then have to leave very early but I heard only great things about. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:12 And please continue to support the department. Because of your knowledge and expertise. Around racial equity and in the city and the state. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:20 And I'm really grateful for that and thank you for that. Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:56:23 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:27 Okay. Yes. And I also wanted to also bring a little bit about the commission because we talked about it is it may be about time. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:36 For us to start having this discussion. Maybe our October or November meeting to bring it as an Ashanda item. [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:44 And I don't know where community members are at. Because what has happened in August. With the and what happened to green, right? [Councilor Dieng] 18:56:57 I think it would be better for the city of willing to have a commission. And the commission many of these issues could be. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:03 Could be a place where it could be discussed. Right. And elevated and also work with the administration and the city council. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:11 Because it doesn't seem That is an alignment really. From my perspective between the department, no, between the administration and this committee. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:24 Had a chance to talk about it a little bit. And yeah, yeah [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:57:31 Can you? Can you clarify that a little bit? I didn't I wasn't quite understanding what you were saying. [Melo Grant] 18:57:32 Yes, please. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 18:57:37 There's not alignment between my department and the administration or I'm confused. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:41 No, what I'm saying is alignment between the administration and the community. But not the department. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:47 The department there is alignment, you receiving updates in all of it. But I feel like sometimes there are issues where the community from the administration that are not coming. [Councilor Dieng] 18:57:57 To the committee and I think you know the declaration of racism has public health emergency is well. You know and the investigation that we were talking about in terms of Tesha green this was never discussed here. [Councilor Dieng] 18:58:13 Right, but it did actually happen. And there are also many, several both issues, you know, between the administration and the committee members. [Councilor Dieng] 18:58:24 So basically city council and the. That's exactly what I'm saying. [Melo Grant] 18:58:32 So full disclosure, I hear what you're saying, but I'm not sure we need a designated. [Melo Grant] 18:58:40 Commission, the, the, The issue or controversy around former director green, I I stated I didn't think it was appropriate to come to the. [Melo Grant] 18:58:57 Committee i was which is why i was supportive of it going to The, Human Resources Committee, I think that is a much more appropriate place. [Melo Grant] 18:59:10 For it to be addressed I think it's very important that, this committee and, the RAB department be allowed to move forward under the new organization. [Melo Grant] 18:59:28 And so that's why my recommendation was with the human resources. Committee. I think it's far more appropriate. [Melo Grant] 18:59:36 I just think we have to take a look at each thing independently and I would agree with you on the, the issue around the declaration of racism being a public. [Melo Grant] 18:59:49 Emergency I would. Have lied to seen the mayor if the I was not on this company prior but if the mayor did not bring it to this committee, that was unfortunate. [Melo Grant] 19:00:03 I I don't know how to get him to be more mindful about those things. It's certainly something that I've discussed about those things. [Melo Grant] 19:00:15 It's certainly something that I've discussed with him a lot. It's certainly something that I've discussed with them a lot, primarily with public safety, but I think just for future things, but I think just for future things, we should just take a look at them a lot, primarily with public safety, but I think just for future things, we should just take a look at them and not, not necessarily be in a rush [Melo Grant] 19:00:24 to create a whole nother commission. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 19:00:26 Okay, wonderful. So basically you're saying no need from your perspective. For the creation of a [Melo Grant] 19:00:34 Correct. Correct. [Councilor Dieng] 19:00:35 Well, alright, Councillor Travis. Yeah [Ben Traverse] 19:00:44 I agree with Councilor Grant. I supported the matter, my council granted going to the HR committee. [Ben Traverse] 19:00:51 Agreed that that would be the best place for this particular issue to be addressed. [Councilor Dieng] 19:00:57 Yeah, okay. Yeah, so I mean, it doesn't seem like that there is interest from the committee members to explore the creation of a commission and also It will be important also as part of the resolution that we added the racial equity inclusion director position. [Councilor Dieng] 19:01:16 There was a component. Of that language that would say for this. For this body to explore the creation of a. [Councilor Dieng] 19:01:24 Maybe both of you weren't here. But that was specific. And now this party, the majority of it. [Councilor Dieng] 19:01:30 He's saying there is no need. At this point of time. That's I think it would be good to capture that in the minutes. [Councilor Dieng] 19:01:40 Yeah, but from my perspective it will be very important but if you were putting a motion, people definitely fail as well. [Councilor Dieng] 19:01:51 Okay. [Ben Traverse] 19:01:52 Sorry, Councillor, to confirm. Sorry. There's some feedback there, but are when you talk about standing up a commission, can you? [Ben Traverse] 19:02:00 Explain perhaps a bit more. What in your mind that would look like? Oh, it wouldn't be focused just on this particular issue or what. [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:05 Yes, and I think [Ben Traverse] 19:02:09 What are you thinking here? [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:09 No, it's in general. Like if we have, the transportation equity and the transport that tooks committee. [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:18 Right we also have the commission. We have, you know, but we also still have. The airport commission. [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:31 We also have electric commission. Right? But now we have a department with a specific committee. But now the question is what would be the school? [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:42 That's what for this committee to export what would be the scope. Of the commission if created. And it would be like a discussion. [Councilor Dieng] 19:02:51 That's exactly what I will say. And I gave an example of. What happened with, letting the department head go. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:01 And you know the the decision of making an investigation. And that did not come to specifically this committee. And to your points, you support it or if to go to HR. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:12 We can also agree completely. But at least from my perspective. Discussion. With committee, former discussion with this committee, standing committee of the city council. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:23 Would have taken place about what are the steps. Right. But from my perspective, I did not happen. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:30 That's what I'm saying. But the creation of the commission has nothing to do. With what took place. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:36 And if If I want to make, but we would task as part of the resolution to export the creation of a. [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:44 Which I definitely support. This is just a discussion. On the table, what would be the scope of work of that commission and how many members we need to have in it, right? [Councilor Dieng] 19:03:55 Yeah, etc. [Ben Traverse] 19:03:58 Okay, thank you for that clarification. So, yes, on the particular issue with respect to the former director and on that issue, I think we've discussed that one in terms of the broader question as to whether or not We should stand up or explore standing up a commission. [Ben Traverse] 19:04:17 You know, that I'm not entirely opposed to. I mean, I think to your point, we have a Parks Commission, we have electric commission we have a housing board of review and so on and so forth. [Ben Traverse] 19:04:32 And, you know, I think there's many people in our community who, if we were to stand up, an ARIAB commission of community volunteers would be more than willing and wanting to lean in and to be part of that and to contribute to. [Ben Traverse] 19:04:48 The city's work here and that of the department. I suppose if we are going to explore that, what I would want to be very mindful of is of course, I mean, in addition to Who's on the commission? [Ben Traverse] 19:05:00 How big is the commission? How many members does it have and so on? Sort of what it's specific goals are. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:06 Having served on the Parks Commission and the Housing Board of Review before joining the city council. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:14 I will speak personally to Sort of some frustration at times that. Yeah, the Parks Commission, for example. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:23 Doesn't really have much authority. Over any particular issues. So sometimes, whereas I think there was some importance to a group of citizen volunteers acting as a sounding board for the Parks Department on different issues. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:40 Sometimes it felt like, and of course the Parks leadership didn't say this, but sometimes it felt like. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:45 You know, this is just another meeting that, sort of folks from the Parks Department are having to come to on top of the city council meetings on top of everything else we have going on. [Ben Traverse] 19:05:57 So, so if we were to explore something this up, which I think there could be value in it. [Ben Traverse] 19:06:01 I would wanna make sure that we're being very mindful about. You know, what's this committee's scope going to be and how is it going to be helpful to the work that this committee is doing and the work that the department is doing. [Ben Traverse] 19:06:15 And I'd be more than happy to continue that conversation. [Councilor Dieng] 19:06:17 Thank you. [Melo Grant] 19:06:21 I guess I feel, [Melo Grant] 19:06:25 You know, thinking about what's happening now and a concern for the immediate future. I wouldn't be in support. [Melo Grant] 19:06:36 Commission I think it's important that the department rebuild at this time. And I. I would be concerned about. [Melo Grant] 19:06:53 Having I just think with some of the things that have been going on in this city. Around. Race that it wouldn't be a good idea this time to have a commission and all the issues. [Melo Grant] 19:07:12 Of what the commission would be able to do or not do. I think that is just walking into discussions that would not be positive or productive. [Melo Grant] 19:07:22 I think that this committee, I like the way this committee operates in terms. Allowing, the community, participation. [Melo Grant] 19:07:34 And people discussing and being able to build you know the same with their concerns are I just think we wanna be [Melo Grant] 19:07:48 We we wanna get past where we are now. I really want us to be fully supporting a director Carson in the rebuilding of the department. [Melo Grant] 19:07:58 I think we, to bring a commission in other department that's not been. Rebuilt is is just I don't feel good about that. [Melo Grant] 19:08:11 I just don't think that would be, productive or positive at this time. [Councilor Dieng] 19:08:14 So basically you're not refusing the idea. Basically the task, but you're saying it's a premature right now to start. [Melo Grant] 19:08:23 I believe, I believe it's very premature right now. [Councilor Dieng] 19:08:26 Okay, yeah, I think it's in sustainable. Thank you. Thank you both and I do believe that, you know, this is community forum if anybody from the committee that would like to talk about this commission creation exploration. [Councilor Dieng] 19:08:42 The floor is yours. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:08:43 I just asked a question. I just wanted to make sure I understood what we were talking about because it sounded like at first I thought we were talking about a commission that was related to. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:08:54 Reparations. But then it sounded like a conversation went into a commission. That is potentially overseeing the department as opposed to. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:10 Am I all the way off? What would the commission be? Overseeing or what would it scope be? [Councilor Dieng] 19:09:12 No. [Councilor Dieng] 19:09:17 Okay, exactly. And I think that is something that we need to put into, for example, like an Ashanda item. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:26 Hmm. [Councilor Dieng] 19:09:27 What was the question and then put everyone interested or those who have maybe have expertise in the community invited to explore it with us. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:35 Right. [Councilor Dieng] 19:09:35 What if we create a commission what would be the scope of work they're limitation and the number of members etc. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:42 And I think, you know, with the task force, just like any task force, normally set up to be something kind of temporary, right? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:50 You're looking at something and then I think at some point or another we're supposed to like produce a report. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:09:57 And potentially make recommendations. So it could be that, you know, there's a reputation like that. [Councilor Dieng] 19:09:59 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:10:05 I just wanted to make sure I was getting a little confused in conversation. [Councilor Dieng] 19:10:08 Yes. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:10:11 Okay, I want to make sure I tread appropriately. I would say put some thought into what we're creating. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:10:19 The REAV is a very unique and different office and Where supposed to be doing this differently and to impose structural things that may be grounded in structural racism to oversee this department in an environment that is not racially diverse, problematic, especially with what we're seeing nationally and within spaces. [Councilor Dieng] 19:10:48 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:10:51 That's one. And then 2. This is an opportunity to rethink. How government works for the marginalized and the historically disenfranchised. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:01 And so if we just completely follow the already existing models. Are we really thinking out of the box to make sure we're meeting the needs of? [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:09 This particular community and the way. That it needs its needs met. I guess is the best way to put it. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:19 I think to explore a commission would be great, but I think we need to define the scope of the work and get the office moving before we start adding other things. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:33 That's just kind of my general thought. It's, it's, from an administrative piece of it's, it's, from an administrative piece of it, there's a lot of work behind keeping all this going and so you need to weigh is it more important for us to have impact on keeping all this going and so you need to weigh is it more important for us to have impact on the [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:42 community? And the people we serve or to get drowned in an administrative task right now. And as the director, we spend a lot of time doing the administrative part, which takes us away from being able to be as impactful for the community. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:11:58 So it's, that's just something to think about. And when we're talking about the issue of race and. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:12:07 The historically marginalized and disenfranchised. I would ask that people take a look at outside of Burlington and what's going on nationally. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:12:16 About how we're dismantling these departments and make sure that we're protecting ourselves in a way that this not that the city will do anything but federally we may be in running into some issues. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:12:31 So I would just say I think we need to focus on standing this department up and making sure it's legal to sound. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:12:36 And we can actually do the work, want to do versus getting started and then getting this. [Councilor Dieng] 19:12:45 So yeah, thank you. I think those are great points. And it seems also those points were also raised when The director, the new director was just hired. [Councilor Dieng] 19:12:57 Dr. That the exploration that's put it on hold. Until yeah and it seems that it's a consensus. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:06 This committee is not saying no. But this committee is saying, Right. And right now is not the appropriate time. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:13:10 Yes. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:14 Right? Okay. Yeah, so then I think there is a consensus on that. And never also just under SMA. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:23 Undermined basically the resolution that. Both the committee and the department. So. That task. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:32 But we saying not now, but. Throughout the future. Wonderful. Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:39 And anybody from the public who want to speak about anything before we adjourn or find our next meal. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:48 Anybody. [Councilor Dieng] 19:13:57 Okay. Alright, we just have a couple of people there. Any of you wanna address the committee about anything? [Councilor Dieng] 19:14:10 Wonderful. Then we can close. The community forum at 7 4 team. Maybe let's talk about The next meeting, Kate and also potential agenda items. [Councilor Dieng] 19:14:25 Yeah. [Councilor Dieng] 19:14:32 And you know, I think, Kim, I was, I was director calls and I was just wondering. [Councilor Dieng] 19:14:37 You know, in writing, for example, maybe. You know. [Councilor Dieng] 19:14:44 Bye, like to maybe email, us about what specific. What specific position is missing as part of the reparation task force or also what, what changes you can, you want to see. [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:00 What? For example, if you can email us. And then from that, I think we can strategize about 1 5 helping find one. [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:09 Or, bringing it back with us council for an amendment. For example, of that reservation, what of that specific position? [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:19 You know, and maybe the reasoning behind, but I think you talked about something really meaningful. But people with expertise. [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:26 Into it. And I think one thing also about about the current violence task force I would really wanna understand. [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:37 Who are, for example, the people that you think will be serving in it. Right. And maybe in the next 2 or 3 months, what would be what would be the next step? [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:48 Basically, how can we help? Right in those 2, in those 2 task force. I'm really, really interested in that. [Councilor Dieng] 19:15:55 Sometimes we talk. But we leave the minutes. But we did not offer our help and support. And that's what I'm putting out here today. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:04 Okay. No, perfect. I will, we're actually working on summarizing and getting kind of like a scope of work because that's also the task force because we've been changing direction. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:15 And so I think what we'll do is as we're sending out to task force members, what adds you on and then you can stay the committee can stay up to date on the word. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:23 I think that would be helpful as well. [Councilor Dieng] 19:16:24 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:24 And if I could just add one thing, I mean, I wish Pablo was here. He's a new chair of the. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:33 Report. Sorry to go back to that. But I just think that it's important to. You know, like I wish he was here, but he's really thinking about and clearly transparently a little frustrated with some stuff that's happened, but he has, you know, focused in on it and has some ideas. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:16:52 So somehow or another, I just wanna make sure that his thoughts and opinions, especially as chair come into this conversation. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:01 I think it's a good idea. Committee members do you want us to do that invite Pablo bus? [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:09 The chair or What do you think? Okay. [Ben Traverse] 19:17:12 I think that's a fine idea. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:15 Wonderful. And I will reach out to him. Or, director council, if you would like, you can be Either way. [Melo Grant] 19:17:16 Okay. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:17:25 Thank you. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:27 Okay, you take care of it. Okay, wonderful. And I think we have one. And. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:35 Pat, I remember that you email Sandrine about the update. Did she confirm for October or November? [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:43 I don't remember. [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:17:43 Oh, she could for November. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:45 Okay, yeah, but so far we have. you know, after the minutes and all of it, we have reparation task force again as part of it. [Councilor Dieng] 19:17:56 And, maybe back then, let's say just updates from, the department about the positions, the restructuring. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:04 Etc. And I will not be asking anything about, the strategy. Planning because there are no people to do the work right now. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:12 Right. And I think the focus right now could be. At least if there is any movement about it. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:18 But I think [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:21 Okay, so we have those agenda items and if something come up, we work with Eton, and Eton very, very sorry. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:30 Thank you so much. For all the emails, the clarification questions. And sorry about the link also. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:37 Thank you for fixing it up. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:40 Okay. Alright, so I think our next meeting then would be on October. [Councilor Dieng] 19:18:48 Tuesday of October. [Councilor Dieng] 19:19:02 I think October 17. Right. 5 30. [Councilor Dieng] 19:19:11 Wonderful. Alright, that's, keeping minutes. So a motion in to adjourn maybe in order. [Melo Grant] 19:19:23 Second. Bye. [Councilor Dieng] 19:19:24 All in favor? Say aye. Yeah, I do. 7 19 PM today. [Ben Traverse] 19:19:25 A moment [Ben Traverse] 19:19:27 Hi. [Councilor Dieng] 19:19:30 Thank you all. Thank you, Kim. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Christine [Sharon Bushor Conference Room] 19:19:33 . You won't go Okay. That's studying