Update #22: Green Stimulus, property tax extension plan, + more

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

2:00 p.m.

Today's briefing includes:

- A recap of the 2020 State of the City address

- Details about the Burlington Green Stimulus Package

- Discussion of the City's property tax extension plan for those who need it

- An update on Stay Home enforcement

- Information about a webinar on the CARES Act and an update on a small business grant program

- And more

Watch the video below for the full update, and tune in live every weekday at 2:00 pm for the latest information on COVID-19 in Burlington. There are three ways to watch these updates live: 1) through Facebook Live, 2) through Zoom webinar at this link: https://zoom.us/j/981431445, or 3) by phone using this number: (929) 205-6099, webinar ID: 981 431 445. Thanks to CCTV Channel 17, these briefings also are available to watch on Channel 17 and the Channel 17 YouTube page.