20 is PLENTY! Learn more about our 20MPH downtown speed limit proposal at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/20isplenty

We NEED Crossing Guards. Apply today!

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Department of Public Works

Pearl Street Reconfiguration

Pearl Street is being reconfigured from Battery Street to George Street and from Winooski Avenue to Union Street to improve pedestrian safety, provide balanced options for people driving and biking, and to improve intersection access at Pearl Street / Battery Street. Work may be phased, with some improvements beginning fall 2017 and continuing into 2018. 

What changes will be made to Pearl Street?

  • Remove one right turn lane from Battery St eastbound onto Pearl St and shorten pedestrian crossings with quick-build curb extensions (2018)
  • Remove one travel lane on Pearl Street between Battery St and North Champlain St, adding parking and bike lanes (2018)
  • Removing parking from the south side of Pearl Street between North Champlain St and Pine St, adding bike lanes in each direction
  • Add interim curb extensions to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Pearl St and North Champlain St
  • Add green dashed bike lanes at bus stops to improve their visibility
  • Add an eastbound bike lane / westbound shared lane markings between Winooski Ave and Union St
  • Add bicycle boxes at the intersection of Pearl St and Union St

Where did these changes orginate?
Over 2014-2015, a Pearl Street Planning Study evaluated options to improve downtown Pearl Street from a "complete streets" perspective. This plan focused on improvements that could be made quickly and within the existing curblines, understanding that the City was embarking on Great Streets Design Standards that would inform potential reconstruction of Pearl Street.


Some features are part of our quick-build program and will last from 1-5 years before permanant reconstruction. Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns? Please contact us here.