Main Street Mid-Block Crosswalk at Edmunds Schools
The Department of Public Works has been meeting with representatives of Edmunds' school parents, school administrators, and community members to discuss improvements for the mid-block crossing and parking along Main and Union Streets at Edmunds Elementary and Middle Schools. A 2009 grant was awarded through the Vermont Agency of Transportation's Transportation Enhancement program, which will fund $105,000 of improvements for the relocation and redesign of the mid-block crosswalk.
On August 31, 2011, short-term improvements began with a 30-day pilot parking test on Main and Union Streets. This was initiated under Chapter 20 Article 3(c) of the City Ordinance, which limits the pilot to no more than 30 calendar days. At their September 28, 2011, meeting, the Public Works Commission approved the parallel parking configuration that was tested during the trial period. The DPW staff will continue to monitor the effectiveness of parallel parking during winter months with snow accumulation in the greenbelt.
The pilot parking changes included:
- Replacing the metered diagonal parking on the north side of Main Street with metered parallel parking;
- Adding time-restricted parallel parking on the south side of Main Street. These will be accessible during school drop off / pickup hours.
- Relocating the bus drop off / pickup location to Union Street, north of the Edmunds driveway.
- Converting the schools' horseshoe driveway to one-way eastbound.
Long-term improvements are being pursued for relocation of the mid-block crosswalk to the immediate west, in line with the new sidewalk to the Edmunds Schools' main entrance. With the relocation, the crossing will be shortened by bumping out the curbs on the north and south side. Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and new overhead lighting will be added to increase awareness of pedestrians entering the crosswalk. Advanced warning signs and flashing beacons will be added to further identify this area as a school zone. As funding allows, additional amenities such as benches will be included.
View the conceptual site plan provided by the design consultants, Stantec, in December 2012
View the presentation from the February 4, 2013 public meeting
View the meeting minutes from the February 4, 2013 public meeting