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Department of Public Works

Champlain Elementary Pedestrian Improvements


The Department of Public Works (DPW) is managing a grant-funded project to improve the walkability between Champlain Elementary School and neighborhoods to the north.


DPW held a neighborhood meeting with the residents from the project study area on August 2, 2017 to get public feedback on alternatives for the Birchcliff Parkway portion of this project.  Public comment was also accepted for two weeks following the meeting.  After review of the alternatives and public feedback, DPW has decided to only pursue intersection improvements at Birchcliff Parkway/Cherry Lane and will not continue with the design of alternatives for additional sidewalk or Bittersweet Lane improvements under this project.  Improvements for additional sidewalk along Birchcliff Parkway and pedestrian improvements at other locations further east on Birchcliff Parkway will not be included in the scope of this project, but will be considered in future traffic calming or pedestrian improvement projects. 


The design team will now develop construction plans for pedestrian improvements at three intersections -- Locust Street/Charlotte Street, Locust Street/Caroline Street, and Birchcliff Parkway/Cherry Lane.  Construction is targeted for 2019. 


Additional questions may be directed to the project manager, Olivia Darisse, PE, by email: odarisse@burlingtonvt.gov or telephone: (802) 865-5830.



The Department of Public Works was awarded a grant from the VTrans Bike/Ped program to implement components from the 2013 Champlain Elementary Safe Routes to School Feasibility Study.

Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers completed in 2013 the “Champlain Elementary School Safe Routes to School Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Report”. This study was done to determine the feasibility of creating safer pedestrian and bicycle routes to the Champlain Elementary School. The recommendations from this report were the basis for the scope of this project.

The improvements for this project include raised intersections, signage, crosswalks and curb extensions that will provide safer pedestrian crossings at the intersections of Birchcliff Parkway/Cherry Lane, Locust Street/Charlotte Street and Locust Street/Caroline Street.

The intersection improvements at Locust Street/Charlotte Street and Locust Street/Caroline Street will provide direct access for parents and students from the Five Sisters neighborhood and Birchcliff Parkway into Champlain Elementary School.

This project will not only benefit students and parents of Champlain Elementary, but will also improve pedestrian access and safety to Callahan Park, the Pine Street Enterprise District and major transit corridors on Pine Street and Shelburne Street.


May 2020 - Work on Locust Street is underway. The contractor has begun construction on bump outs, raised intersection, and stormwater infrastructure on Locust Street at the intersection of Caroline Street. On Tuesday morning, May 26th, Locust Street will be closed to through traffic for 4-6 hours while a stormwater pipe is installed across Locust Street, just north of Caroline Street.  Access to Locust Street from Route 7 will be available to properties east of Caroline Street only.  Residents on Charlotte Street, Locust Terrace, and Locust Street properties west of Caroline Street should use Pine Street or Howard Street for access. 

November 2019 - Contractor completes work on Birchcliff Parkway. Construction on Locust Street intersections will begin in Spring 2020.

October 2019 - Work begins on Birchcliff Parkway. The contractor will complete a raised intersection at the intersection of Cherry Lane, and complete a new sidewalk along Birchcliff Parkway from Pine Street to Cherry Lane.

August 2019 - The project has been awarded to a construction contractor.  Construction is expected to begin on Birchcliff Parkway in mid-September.  This project will continue in Spring and Summer of 2020, with a final completion date of June 30th, 2020.

June 2019 - The project has been advertised for construction bids. Bids are due mid-July. As long as the City receives an acceptable bid, the contract will be awarded in mid-August and construction is anticipated to begin shortly thereafter. It is anticipated that this project will span two construction seasons, with a final completion date of June 30th, 2020.

May 2019 - The City is working with Lamoureux and Dickinson and VTrans to finalize the plans and bid package. The City intends to advertise the project for construction in June 2019.

February 2019 - Lamoureux  & Dickinson continues to progress final plans and bid package.

April 2018 - Lamoureux  & Dickinson continues to progress design plans. Preliminary design plans can be viewed here.

September 2017 - After review of the alternatives and public feedback from the August 2017 neighborhood meeting, DPW has decided to only pursue intersection improvements at Birchcliff Parkway/Cherry Lane and will not continue with the design of alternatives for additional sidewalk or Bittersweet Lane improvements.  The design team will now develop construction plans for pedestrian improvements at three intersections -- Locust Street/Charlotte Street, Locust Street/Caroline Street, and Birchcliff Parkway/Cherry Lane.

August 2017 - A neighborhood meeting was held on August 2, 2017 with residents from the project study area to get public feedback on alternatives for the Birchcliff Parkway portion of this project.  

       Meeting Documents (8/2/2017)


August 2016 - Public Information Meeting.  For a quick overview check out this powerpoint slide show that highlights the various pedestrian improvements and enhancements being proposed unde rthis project.       Champlain Elementary - Slide Show

January 2016 - Updated/Revised 25% design plans. The tentative project shedule shows the design advancing this spring with a possible construction of the project in late summer/fall of 2016.

January 2015 - Lamoureux & Dickinson have prepared 25% design plans following the public meeting in December. These plans are available at the following link 25% Design Plans.

December 2014 - Lamoureux & Dickinson has completed the Conceptual Design for the project. These plans will be presented at a Public Meeting on Tuesday, December 9th at 6:00 PM at the Front Conference Room at the Burlington Public Works Department (645 Pine Street). Your attendance is important to get information about the project, have your questions answered and discuss your concerns. 


PROJECT MANAGER:  Olivia Darisse, P.E., Public Works Engineer

UPDATED: May 22, 2020