Clerk/Treasurer’s Office

Official Notice Regarding June 3, 2014 Special City Election on School Budget

Date:               May 14, 2014
Contact:          Scott Schrader, Asst. Chief Administrative Officer

The City has received inquiries regarding whether new Absentee/Early Voter requests would be required for the June 3, 2014 Special City Election.  This notice serves to respond to those inquiries. 

The Secretary of State’s Office and the City Attorney are in agreement that the June 3, 2014 special election on the school budget is a new election.  Therefore, as with any new election, voters will need to submit a new request for an absentee ballot to participate in the special election on June 3, 2014.  This practice is consistent practice with the practice used during the last special election on a school budget in 2003.

Information on the June 3, 2014 special election, including the absentee ballot request form, is available on the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office webpage at, by phone at (802) 865-7000, and at City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401. In-person Early Voting is also available at the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office on the 2nd Floor of City Hall.